Chapter 33

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I squint my eyes, struggling to open them as the lights seems to shine right into it.

"Hello there"

His voice rang close to me as I finally manage to open my eyes with a little rub. Waking up to his smiling handsome face could be something I can get use to.


I moan as I try to stretch myself but realize I was aching throughout my body. One can easily guess how the ache come about.

"Come here"

He chuckle, probably realizing that these aches are due to too much action with him.

'Don't you dare touch me.'

I push him away lightly, a grin sneak up my lips while he pout.

'You're going to stay at least an arm length away from me starting this moment onwards.'

His laughter fill the room while I wince at how pain the ache was. I should probably try to contain myself when I'm with him as well, is it just me or this whole place now smells like lust? I wince at the thought and brought the blanket to cover myself as I try to climb down the bed.

"Don't be so adorable Hanna. You'll make me want you more."

He warn as I roll my eyes at him before rushing past him to grab some clothes and into the washroom to get dress.

About time I dress up at three in the noon, I thought to myself as I recalled how we spend this morning. If this is how it's going to be like, I'll need to have plenty of stamina in the future.

I wince again as I tried to pull the zip on my summer dress. The aching probably would last another day or so, and I cursed myself for already thinking of more dirty thoughts with him.

'Uhm... could you help me zip this, please?'

I let out awkwardly when I push open the door.

"I thought you said we need to be at least one arm length away?"

He tease when he look up from his phone. His smirk now resting too comfortably on his face.

'I know what I've said. But I'm aching and this zip is being stubborn!'

I wrinkled my nose at him and made my way to sit at the side of the bed and point to my zip on the back.

"You sure? You're letting me dangerously close..."

He whispered into my ears teasing before I hit his arms in protest.

'Just help me with the zip, nothing else.'

I warn as he chuckle away. His fingers deliberately glide through my back before slowly zipping my dress up.

'Thank you'

I stood up but he manage to grab hold of my wrist and pull me back into bed with him.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're being so irresistible."

Laughing as he tickle his way down, i took up whatever dignity I'm left with to stop his hands from traveling further down.

'We won't make it out of this place at this rate.'

I grumble as I drop a peck on his cheek and trying to squirm out of his embrace.

"And where are we going?"

He ask before pulling me back into his embrace and keeping me there, his fingers playing with my hair.

'I'm suppose to go pick Ethan from his father place tonight.'

Hugging him back, I guess cuddles isn't harmful.

"And you're inviting me to go with you right?"

His brows narrowed as if to let me know that's the only option. His fingers tuck strands of my hair back behind my ear as he look at me hopeful.

Truthfully, I didn't know. The last time we cut off ties, Ethan were the one affected the most. Will I be doing the right thing letting them meet again?

'Um.. maybe another time?'

My voice came out as a squeak although I silently remind myself that it's the right thing to do.

Let's not rush into it, I mean, I guess the sex part doesn't count. That's too far ahead to be counted in anyway.

"So my probation period isn't ending yet I guess.. well then.."

He sigh, pulling me closer as he sniff on my hair.

'I just... it's just that Ethan got very affected the last time we broke off..'

I tried explaining but it just simply meant that I didn't trust him enough yet. There's no way in explaining that.

"It's okay Hanna, I can wait"

Tilting my chin up to him, I smile as he smile warmly back at me.

"But let me drop you off there. And you'll have to cover yourself up with a scarf or something"

I almost thought of smacking his head when his fingers point to my cleavage. Rolling my eyes, I guess that wasn't too bad of a deal.

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