Chapter 45

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'Mum~! Even Min Hee is sticking to Uncle Chan Yo!'

I roll my eyes as I followed Ethan's finger to track down the charmer in action and saw how Ethan's crush is hugging tightly onto Yeol's arm. Obviously though, almost more than half of the girls from Ethan class is already forcing their way to grab onto his arms.

'Seems like uncle chanyeol is having a good time at your class party more than you do.'

I smile emphatically at Ethan as I reach out to ruffle his hair. It's our little secret that Ethan always thought Min Hee was the prettiest girl in class and have always been shy around her, but looking at how his brows are knitted together, arms crossed and eyes furiously looking at Yeol. I'm guessing this little secret of ours aren't being that well kept.

"Ethan, come here!"

My gaze turn from Ethan to the direction of the low deep voice. Yeol have been trying to figure out who Ethan's crush was ever since he overheard our little secret. Ethan made me swore secrecy but now it seems like it didn't matter anymore. For the past half an hour, Yeol have been randomly pointing out girls secretly to Ethan to find out who it was. And right now? Yeol finger point right at Min Hee whom is still hanging onto his arms.


I heard Ethan grumble and stomp his feet on the ground as I chuckle at how Yeol did a little victory wink back at us once he figure out he got the right girl.

' Sorry Ethan'

I chuckle at Ethan, his hands still crossed in front of his chest as he stuck his tongue out back at Yeol. Ethan definitely have grown up tremendously.

"Omo, you're so adorable . What's your name?"

My gaze now back to Yeol, as he pinch Min Hee's cheek and kneel down to look directly at her. And without realizing, Ethan is now beside him, pushing his hands away from his crush.

"Uncle Chan Yo!Go to mommy!"

I almost choke on my own saliva watching how Ethan place his arms protectively before Min Hee.

"Omo, omo~ is Ethan jealous?"

Laughing out loud, I went ahead and pull Yeol away from the little couple.

"Thanks mom!"

I heard Ethan chuckling from a distance as Yeol acted as if he was reluctant to be pulled away.

' Spare Ethan will you. And all those poor girls.'

I narrowed my brows as his hands crept around my waist and push me closer to him as we lean against a corner of the classroom.

"Mmhmm.. and you need to stop being so sexy in such an innocent classroom."

His words ring by my ears , his lips glide across my ears and I shudder at his touch.

'Is someone having naughty thoughts of coming inside me in this innocent classroom?'

I whisper back as I smiled at the mothers who were seated opposite the room, obviously checking Yeol out.

"... and now I can't get that image out of my mind. You just have to do this everytime, dont you Hanna"

I chuckle lightly as his fingers rub my waist gently, slowly making their way lower down to my hips.

'And you'll just have to suck it up because this is not a good time doing what is in our mind...'

I force my hands to stop his from wandering lower, pulling it up so it rested on my waist. Gosh, now I can't get the image of him taking me right here away.

"Hmm...this is going onto my bucket list."

Turning around as I chuckle at his words, I let my hands rest on his chest.

' Don't you think something is wrong with your bucket list?'

I watch as he chuckle softly back at me, his grip on my waist tighten.

"What's wrong with wanting to make love with you at every place I go to?"

That naughty smirk creeping onto his handsome face as he speak.

'I think you should show me this bucket list of yours sometime soon.

I grin as he hold onto my hands and guided me away and out of the classroom.


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