Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was slightly after seven in the night when I stepped out of the train station. I stop over at a convenience store to purchase milk powder before heading towards the nanny.

I've gotten used to it now, it had been almost eight months since I left, with our divorce procedure at the final stage. I have learned how to take care of my baby till late at night, then drop him off at the nanny before I leave for the city early in the morning. And my baby learn along with how he couldn't see mommy in the morning but welcomed her back home with sparkling huge eyes and soft chuckles, oh those chuckles..they made everything else insignificant.


I hear him chuckling as he ran to the door as soon as I rang the doorbell. A smile naturally found its way on me and I bent down and pick him up into my arms. He is getting heavier, perhaps I wouldn't be able to carry him as much soon enough. That thought brought a small frown upon me but I chuckled as soon as I see him pull a cute frown to mirror me.

"How is your day Hanna? I just showered Ethan before you arrive, I've cooked some simple dishes do you want to join me for dinner?"

I smile as I face the nanny, a lady around her sixties, a widow that lost both her husband and two daughters in a fire. She showered both me and my son with love since we first moved in across her. Sometimes I feel guilty for paying her so little for caring for my baby Ethan.

'I wouldn't want to bother you..'

I started as she shook her head and tighten her brows. Her hands patted me on my back as she hurried me into her place, the dining table was already set with two sets of utensils and two bowls of rice with the baby chair placed in the corner all ready for us.

"Don't be silly, you know the both of you are the reason I start to feel alive again."

She laughs at her own joke, I never quite understand her humor but I smile along, it was nice to see her laugh. Ethan grumbled a little as I place him in the baby chair but he was soon playing and eating with the pasta on his plate.

'How is your day aunt Jemma? Have Ethan been nice to you?'

I sat on the chair across her, Ethan seated between the both of us. I watch as she took a piece of meat and place it on my bowl, and I thank her with a nod.

"Oh, he is always a darling. Don't you worry about us! I'm more than happy you trust me with him. Now, how was your day?"

Her eye shaped like a crescent whenever she smile widely. Somehow that really suits her, I always liked the idea of her representing the moon. She have that grace in her and was gentle like that too. I pick up more vegetables and placed them in her bowl, then tried to help Ethan with some pasta troubles before I sat down again.

'It was nice. I'm getting more customers now the old ones start referring to the new ones. Perhaps one day we should go to the city together, didn't you told me that your old specs isn't working that great anymore? I know a great optical shop over there, they give me a great discount too.'

She laugh before I finish my sentence and shook her head. I feel as if my cheeks blush as she caught me lying. She always had a way of noticing that.

"Hanna, I don't need new specs. It doesn't cost me that much to get this one fix at the shop below. The prices in the city would always cost more even if they really do give you great discount."

I caught a slight wink as she talk. I blush again but didn't try to argue back, I just really want to gift her something nice, for everything she had done for us. It wasn't easy living on our own, and she made it so much more simple for us.

"How are the final papers coming along? Is your ex-husband still bothering you?"

I wince slightly at the change of topic, I never like talking about my ex-husband and never like recalling our memories. Still, it was aunt Jemma that was asking.

'It should be done by the next month. He's not, I've changed my numbers so he doesn't know them.'

I smile weakly as I look over at Ethan. Aunt Jemma always reminded me that however bad my ex-husband was he will forever be Ethan's father and that he should have a right in visiting Ethan. I wince at that thought, what right does that man deserve when he had forgotten about his only son's first birthday and slept with another woman on that very day? As far as I am concerned, he is as much a bastard as a father like he is a husband.

"I'm not going to say it, I love you Hanna and I love Ethan. And as long as the two of you are happy, I am happy."

I smile gratefully back at her as I nod.

'And we love you, aunt Jemma.'

I assured her as I hold onto her hand that is resting on the table.

"Yes, I do!"

Ethan joins in as he chuckles happily from his seat.

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