Chapter 16

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"Let's bring Ethan to Disneyland!"

He'd announce one afternoon when I was preparing lunch while Ethan and him look through some magazines. I had look at him as if he was out of his mind while Ethan excitedly clap his hands and squeal happily. I couldn't say no after that.

And that's why here we are today, the three of us, hands in hands, Ethan jumping between us as he pointed excitedly at the Mickey Mouse mascot.

"Let's take a picture with him"

He announce as he brought Ethan up and place him on his shoulder then we naturally hook hands while we wait for our turn. We actually look like a family, I thought to myself. I cant believe how great Chanyeol is with Ethan, and it makes me fall for him deeper looking at their bond.

'Didn't you say you need the washroom?'

I frown at the line in front of us, as much as I am having fun with the both of them, the queue are killing some of it. There is queue in every single rides we go onto. Chanyeol had wanted to buy the VIP passes but I insisted against it. He had already drive us all the way here, bought all of our tickets, insisted that he will pay for all the expenses and even bought Ethan a number of souvenir. I am guessing that is far more than what I'd like to receive from him, it only reminded myself how much I am depending on him.

"Its okay, it's not everyday we can see a Mickey"

He grin as he look at Ethan on his shoulder. Sometimes I wondered how he could be so perfect. Seems too good to be true, especially for someone like me. Then again I try not to overthink it and just to enjoy the moment.

'Why don't you go while I wait in line?I'm sure there is plenty of time before it is our turn'

I nodded to the line before us and he hesitated before he nodded in agreement. Receiving Ethan back to my side as he gave me a quick peck on the forehead before running off.

Ethan was asking for snacks when I saw him walking back to us. Our gaze met and I smile back at him, it is obvious that I'm opening up to him...and perhaps really serious about liking him. But again who wouldn't? Chanyeol have been nothing but charming around me, even taking care of Ethan when he didn't have to. I smile at the thought, maybe I really do like him.

"Looks like someone is really happy today"

He grin as I hook onto his arms and squeeze it tightly when he came back.

'You mean Ethan?'

I push my tongue out playfully as he carry Ethan back up to his shoulder. He chuckle and pulled me into his other arms.

"To be exact..Ethan, you...and me"

Did he hesitated completing the sentence? It was moments like these that I thought he sounded a little weird and different from his usual self.

'You okay?'

I ask carefully as he nodded his head and his grin came back to his handsome face. I manage a smile back at him, wondering if it is me overthinking stuff again. I played with his fingers as his hand rested on my shoulder, silently waiting for our turn.

It soon became dark after all the rides and Ethan is now fast asleep in my arms. Chanyeol walk by me, his hands firmly holding onto my waist as we walk to his car.

'Are you tired? It's a long way back to my place.'

I ask him as he tried to hide a yawn, stretching his hands out before reaching for the keys in his pocket.

'If you don't mind... we can stay over at your place.'

I mention carefully, not wanting him to feel as if I am trying to intrude his personal space. I watch as he pull open the car door on my side and guided me inside. A faint smile appeared on his lips before he nodded.

"It's okay, I'm not tired. It will be more comfortable for Ethan to be in his cot isn't it?"

I tried to hide my disappointment as I smile and agree to him. He shut the door close after making sure we are in, then going over to his side. Sometimes he seems distant, like he isn't really here with me. As if there is an invisible wall between us, something that I can't put my hands on but seems to be there.

"Hanna, you're not upset are you?"

I shook my head still smiling. I guess it isn't a big deal, he's just not ready to have us over. I tried not to compare it to him barging into my place when he wanted my attention in the beginning, although I didn't want him to intrude my personal space at the first place.

"Don't be..I just.."

'Don't worry,I'm not! I wanted to go home anyway, did you think I want to spend all twenty four hours with you?'

I grin as I tried to brush it off. I shouldn't compare, didn't I tell myself that we are just in a casual dating relationship? Then small matters like these shouldn't matter.

'Don't worry, I'm not a teenage girl. You don't have to reassure me or anything. So let's go okay? I have work early morning tomorrow, I'm hoping I can get some good rest tonight'

I smile as he lean in for a kiss, Ethan still fast asleep in my arms.

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