Chapter 28

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Taking a deep breath in, I lay back on the seat as I watch Dyo figure disappear from my sight. Thankful that he let it slip as he bid goodbye and reminded me to visit his cafe sometime soon.

As thankful and sorry as I am towards Dyo, I had no room for him in my heart. All I thought about and missed the whole time is the other man, the one I've forbid from getting back together with.

With Ethan away for the weekend, there is no one to distract me from all these messed up thoughts. Some days it was easy with Ethan's loving and forgiving arms around me, but even then, I thought of how great of a time we had when he was with us.

As the cab pulled up at my place, I bid the driver goodnight as I pay the fees and climb dreadfully out of the cab. How did I end up so miserable? I feel exactly like how I forbid myself to feel, like a girl depending on love as if it was her life.

I look up at the flat, partially thankful for this place to stay, yet also dreadfully thinking if I will ever manage to afford another better place for Ethan to live in. Then as I try to make peace with my inner self, I climb up the long stretch of stairs up to my place.

It really was quiet without Ethan's cheerful self around. I missed him already, a message came in earlier from the ex husband saying that he is already fast asleep and that I have nothing to worry about.

You could just call out to him.

A voice in my head says as I stare blankly at my living room. Here it goes again, these messed up thoughts.

You're just lying to yourself, you forgave him long ago.

The voice continue just like how it does every single night. How I should just let him in, it doesn't matter if he is lying, I love him and I should grab onto him before it's too late... but no matter how strong that voice was, the other realistic, egoistic voice always won. It always manage to convince me to not reach back out for him. I sigh as I let all the thoughts take over the silent night. But just as I slump back into the sofa, a knock came from the door and the voices disappeared right at once.

I pause for a second as I look at the door. Did I hear it correctly? It is almost three in the morning, is that really a knock at my door? And then it knocked again, and I carefully went up to check.


I almost didn't believe my eyes. Why..why is he standing right infront of me? Where I can see him, where I can just reach out my hands and touch him..


I blinked a couple of times, just to make sure. Here he is, just separated by the metal gate between us.


I didn't understand, I thought he would never appear infront of me anymore. Didn't he chose to stay in the shadows? I can't say that I'm not happy about this, I just couldn't understand.

"What did that guy say earlier on.."

That low deep voice I've missed so much, now speaking to me. I hesitated as I look back at him, trying to take in every inch of him, how he looks so much more matured now, and how much more exhausted he seems.

"Don't go with him"

His hands grip onto the metal gate as he lean forward and his eyes turn dark. I swallowed back as my eyes stare straight back at him, afraid that if I blink anymore he will just disappear again.

"Hanna..just don't go with him.. please"

I heard him once again, this time his voice soften, almost pleading. Then I watch as he release his grip from the metal gate and slowly turn around as if to leave.


I let out hurriedly as I reach out for the key, desperate to unlock the gate between us. Then as soon as I manage to get it unlock, I push the gate as quickly as I could, cursing myself for not maintaining it in good condition. It always was a struggle trying to push it aside. But as soon as it got away from me, I realize how much I missed him as I hug him as tight as I could.

'Please don't..'

I let out softly as I grip tightly around his neck, my tears unknowingly flowed down my cheeks. This scent I've missed, this man I've tried to catch a glimpse of, this feeling of him right infront of me.. it's all coming back to me again.

'Don't leave..'

I felt his hands hesitantly and carefully came across my waist, and how taken aback he seems to be at my reaction. But I couldn't care less, I want him, here, right beside me. It doesn't matter if he will lie to me again, if he can't be trust.. it doesn't matter anymore.


His voice now dangerously close to me, his hands reach out to stroke my hair away from my face, his smirk that appeared as he tilt my chin up, and that kiss that followed right after that...nothing else matter anymore.

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