Chapter 15

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The next few days there isn't any call from him. I decided not to overthink it although I made a mental note to not get too serious with him. It is just casual dating, I told myself as I check on my mobile. Still nothing. Definitely just a casual thing, I decided as I continue pulling my stroller luggage to the nearby bus station.


I almost jump when the phone in my hand vibrated.

*I'm back,where are you? I'll come look for you.*

I look at the message. Just casual. I reminded myself as I place the phone back into my bag. Since it is just a casual thing, I'll just reply when I feels lIke it so he knows the feeling is mutual. I cringe my nose in frustration as the bus came and I stomp up the steps, pulling my luggage up behind me.

"Not your best day?"

Startled, I look up to the voice and realize it was Dyo from the coffee outlet I frequent smiling back at me. He looks different without his uniform on, in a good way I guess.

'Dyo! What are you doing here?'

Caught by surprise, I exclaim as I move to the inner seat and watch as he slide in beside me.

"Let's see..this is a public bus and I.."

He place his hand on his chin as he pretend to think. Yes of course, that is a weird question. I really need to work on my communication.

'I mean, where are you heading to? Why aren't you in the coffee outlet?'

I chuckle as I try to reform my questions. Then I realize I maybe shouldn't, what if it is personal?

"I'm on my way home and it's my day off today"

He reply easily as one of his hand hold onto the seat infront of him for support and he face me with a smile.

"And how about you? Where are you heading to with that huge stroller of yours?"

I look over to where he is pointing and realize I have left my trusted stroller leaning on the other side of the empty seats. Thank goodness he remind me of it or I might even leave it behind.

'Oh that, I'm heading back to my office before going home.'

I explain as I notice how at ease and easily I could converse with Dyo. Maybe it is because I just see him as a friend? I don't know, but this is really different from how awkward I act with Chanyeol. Which reminds me, I haven't replied him..but then again, didn't I told myself I will reply when I feel like it.

"That's nice. Which stop is it at? I have been your customer for awhile now, don't you think you should show me your office? I'll help you with that stroller."

He gave off a warm vibe even when he jokes. Well, I guess why not?

'Yes sure, I'll show you around. And in return, remember to keep your orders coming in'

I grin as he chuckles back at me. Seriously, I should act more like this with Chanyeol.

When we reach the stop to my office, as agreed he help with the stroller as we walk along the street before turning in to my office building. I still can't believe how well we clicked, and we talk and joke around just like how old pals do.


The now familiar voice captured both our attention as we both turn to look at Chanyeol standing just in front of the office walkway.

'Oh, Chanyeol..what are you doing here?'

Surprised, I tried to pretend to be calm although all I wanted to do is to run up and hug him. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I miss having him around after all the times together I've gotten use to.

"You didn't reply my message..Who's he?"

Remembering something, I turn my focus back to Dyo. I can't believe I've forgotten that he is here too. I smile awkwardly at him as I walk towards Chanyeol.

'Dyo, a friend. And this is Chanyeol.'

I skip introducing him as my...whatever. I don't even know how to label him myself. I watch as Chanyeol shook hands with Dyo and how awkward the atmosphere is.

"I'll take over"

Chanyeol gesture over towards Dyo, as he brought over the stroller to his side and took my hands into his.

"Uhh, well. I'm guessing I should make my exit now..Hanna, I'll visit your office some other time! Come over for coffee frequently"

I cringe my nose and wave goodbye to Dyo as he tried to avoid the stares Chanyeol was giving him. I watch as he walk down the street, feeling a little sorry for letting him off alone.

"You. I thought you didnt have any other male friends?"

I bit my lips as I look up towards him. Is he angry? He does look a little bothered by it.

'Why? Do I need to explain everything to you?'

Still frustrated by the fact that he didn't call or message me for the past three days myself, I didn't have to explain if we are only going to be casual. That is perfectly fine for me as well, although my heart doesn't really feel right.

"Well, no, I guess. So why didn't you reply my messages?"

I frown as he brought the topic up again. Why should I when he only message me once, and after three whole days away?


I corrected as he narrowed his brow together with a puzzled look.

'Messages means more than one. But there's only one message. '

I pointed out as I pull my hand away from his and took the stroller over, pulling it towards the office.

"Wait..are you angry because I didn't contact you for the past few days?"

He shout out as he came after me. I ignored him and walk inside, I'm not angry. I don't have any right to be angry.

"You are right? Is it because you missed me?"

He continue as he came inside after me, his voice filled with excitement.

'No I'm not'

I place the stroller in a corner and walk behind the counter to settle some of the orders status. Trying not to be affected by his presence.

"Come here you adorable little thing!"

He caught me by ssurprise as he turn me around to face him, pinch my cheeks and pull me into a tight hug. I thought I might die of suffocation, although I couldn't help but let out a grin and hug him back tightly.

"I miss you so much too"

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