Chapter 25

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Wiping off the sweat formed on my forehead, I let out a huge sigh as I pause in track and look at the still pretty full stroller.

'This is why I can't depend for help... "

I thought to myself, realizing how much more easily tired I was now that I have to travel by public transport for the orders delivery. I must have been pampered with Chanyeols driving me around the past few weeks.

Gulping down a mouthful of water before moving along the sidewalk to the bus station ahead, I tried to put my thoughts away from what he had said the last time we met.

Falling in love with me after being curious? That can't possibly be true... who in the right mind would fall in love with me AFTER knowing all about me?

No one, that's who.

It's all just a big web of lies for him to get me back and win some stupid bet.


Startled by the sudden loud honk, I jump back as I realize I've been walking too close to the road. Pulling my stroller quickly back towards the sidewalk I bow apologetic to the other strangers that glance at me.

Another great reason why I shouldn't date - I think about the problems although I really shouldn't, ALL DAY LONG!

Slapping my cheeks in an attempt to alert myself, I shook my head trying to clear away those troubled thoughts. No point in that anymore, I reminded myself.

That, and he have been doing such a great job disappearing from my life. I haven't heard or seen him since the day I told him to get lost, which is exactly eight days ago now.

Letting out a sigh of relieve as I spotted a seat in the corner of the bus station left alone. Quickly pulling my stroller behind me, I sat down and stared at the cars zooming past. Leaning back on the pole, I couldn't help but let out a yawn. The sky is already a dark blue and I've been out since six in the morning.

It is going to take awhile for me to get back my daily routine before the changes that happen after he appeared, just when I thought I'm this tough girl that can handle everything by myself, this just prove me really wrong..

Well, even Ethan is having a tough time adjusting, resulting in midnight cries and frustrating tantrum. I guess even though he is little, he understand a whole lot more than I credit him for. It must be really frustrating for him to feel the absence of the two father figure in his life, and it's probably a good idea to start letting his father meet him once again...

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