Chapter 4

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I was at my twelfth attempt when I rush through the crowd, my eyes focus on the lady probably in her early forties with heavy groceries in her hands and slightly sweaty forehead, probably from being in the massive crowd during lunch hour. Waiting for the right moment before I bump into her shoulder, just like what I did for the previous eleven times. If there is something I learn from gaining new customers, it would be to create a troublesome situation for them where they would be reminded of how great it would if they had subscribed to my service instead. And this tactic works far better than jz handing out leaflets in the middle of the street.

However, I suppose I wasn't paying that much attention to the rest of the crowd when I bump hard into someone else, only this time it was truely accidental.

"Look at where you're heading!"

The voice came slightly above me, and I search for the face to the voice as I rub on my sore shoulder. It had been slamming into shoulders all day long now.

'I'm sorry'

I bow slightly as I look back up, noticing how it was a man probably around my age, his brows narrowed as he frown. I made a mental note how this man had a nice combination of face features, and for a moment I admired the handsome face, it wasn't one that I can see on a daily basis. Then when I'm done, I bowed again before I turn around, realizing how my previous target had already gone far by now.

"It's okay."

I heard him saying, I turn back around to face him, quite surprised that he was still around. I thought he would be gone by now.


I nodded again as I smile politely, then moving nearer to look at the supermart counters, looking for my next target. I hesitate to myself as I choose among two middle age woman, both seems pretty nice to deal with, and both purchasing about the same amount of groceries. I decided to go with the one wearing yellow, I like the color better than blue, which is what the other is wearing.

"So, crowd watching?"

I turn my focus back to the now familiar low voice of the man, who is now beside me. I narrowed my brow as I look at him, what do he want?

'Can I help you?'

I notice his smirk as I ask him. I'm sure by now my expression is just a big question mark, maybe with a tinge of annoyment as the woman in yellow, and blue both, were moving farther apart from me as I am standing here, waiting for this man for an answer.

"I'm in that cafe people watching you see, and I can't help but notice how you kept slamming into people and helping them with their groceries after..."

I listen as he explains himself, my brows remain our bump in the shoulders probably isn't an accident, he was copying my tactic on myself?

'And that bothers you or something...because?'

Still not quite sure what he is leading on, I mean..yes so, I guess it is weird to do what I was doing, but what anything of that got to do with him? Unless of course, if he is a cop and I'm in trouble for acting suspicious.. I studied him for awhile, before deciding that he is probably not a cop. Which brings us back to square one, what have this got to do with him?

"I just find you interesting, so why were you doing what you are doing?"

Another grin appear on his face as he tuck both his hands into his jean pockets and look curiously at me, probably waiting for my answer.

'I'm sorry, but I don't think I need to explain what I'm doing to a stranger.'

By now I am quite bewildered by this man, what did he think of me? Interesting? What am I, an exhibit in the museum?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Chanyeol, and you are?"

My eyes open wide as I look back at him. I wasn't asking him to introduce himself, I was asking him to back off. Did I show it too subtly?

'Look, I don't know what you're up to. Since you are curious, I'm doing what I'm doing to get more customers for my career. So now that I answered your curiousity, back off and let me go back to whatever I was doing'

His grin spread even wider as I speak. For a moment there, I suspected if I was speaking in an alien language and he couldn't understand what I was saying. Who would grin even wider when I clearly wasn't saying a joke?

"So what do you do?"

Annoyed, I gave a glare back at him. I would have explain if I wanted him as a customer, but really I didn't need such a curious one, he would probably turn out to be one of those difficult customers.I probably shouldn't entertain him too much, he might not even be in his right mind. Making up my mind, I step further away from him, trying to blend into the crowd. I still need to continue with the task I'm here today. This is a strategic place and I can't afford to lose it because of a weird stranger.

"I might be a big customer to you, why are you turning a potential customer off?"

I took a deep breath as he came back into my view, now blocking my whole view towards the hypermart with his tall build. Crossing my arms, I look back up at him and frown. Then giving up, I took a namecard and hand it out to him.

'I am a personal shopper. Here, if you need my services, contact me, only if you need my services.'

By now I'm familiar with his grin that crept up on his lips once again. Taking over my card, he studied the details before nodding back at me.

"Okay Hanna, I will see you soon."

He did a small salute with the card in his hand, his grin still mischievously hanging around before he finally walk away. I took another deep breath as I watch him disappear into the crowd. Well, I certainly hope he isn't a weird one and be a huge customer if he needed to be one.

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