Chapter 9

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"Uncle Chan-yo!"

Ethan squeal excitingly as soon as he sees Chanyeol in the living room. I had just let him out of the room after getting him ready to go to aunt Jemma's.

"Hello there little man!come here!"

Being the natural he is, Ethan run excitedly towards him, arms out and ready to be pulled into an embrace. I no longer could contain my grin as I watch Ethan's little hand caressing his face, before planting a huge wet kiss on him. I guess Ethan really missed him too.

'Ethan, let's go. Mommy need to go off soon'

I straighten my position and controlled my smile before I spoke out. They both frown at me, clearly unhappy at the arrangement. Ethan immediately came charging towards me, his eyes teary as he tried to control them from flowing down. His lips in a tight line.

'Ethan..mommy needs to work..'

I sigh as I hold him tight against me. It breaks my heart everytime he does that.

"I can stay.."

I glare at him before he continues. Gosh, this is why I really shouldn't bring him back here the other day. Now Ethan thinks of him as a companion and he is clearly using it to his advantage.

"Let uncle Chan-yo stay! Mommy, let uncle chan-yo stay!"

Too late now. I sigh as I look at the both of them.

'Okay, only if aunt Jemma agrees.'

The both of them chuckle aloud right immediately, with Chanyeol gaining a high five from Ethan. I'm going to have a lot to do to stop Chanyeol from visiting again.

Obviously aunt Jemma agrees to letting Chanyeol stay, and I made them agree that they aren't going to leave the house at all. I hesitated as Ethan came up to me and gave me a tight hug and a wet kiss before running back to Chanyeol excitedly.

The day went by and I spent the whole day worrying and dreading of their bonding session. This would be another added day to having Ethan falling in love with him, and I would have to figure out a way to get rid of him. And true enough, I could hear their laughter and Ethan's squeals even before I reach aunt Jemma gate when I got back home in the evening.

"Mommy mommy! Look!"

Ethan as usual came running to me excitedly, only today with a new pirate ship toy in his hands. Then when I look back up, it is obvious my jaw dropped and my eyes popped wide open when I see at least another ten new toys laying all around the living room.

'I thought you promised, no bringing them out?'

I almost jump at him in fury as I charge in as soon as aunt Jemma unlock the gate. I watch as his hands went high up in the sky in a surrender pose as aunt Jemma hold onto my hands softly.

'They never went out. He said he bought them before coming here last night and he had his driver send them up.'

I heard her explain and I felt my cheeks blush. I bit my lips and took a few steps backwards from him as I watch the familiar grin appear on that face.

'We need to talk'

I look at him then pointing to the corridor. He shrug his shoulder as he stand up, following me out to the corridor.

"Let's date"

He said right as soon as we got out of the door.

'What? No!'

I look at him in disbelief. How did he came up with that.

"Why not?"

He ask again, stepping closer towards me and leaning closer as both his hands hold support on the wall behind me.

'I told you. I'm not looking for anything like that.'

I glared right back into his eyes as he came in closer, daringly planting his lips against mine as I look on, trying to calm myself down after what he just did.

"Yet you don't push me say you are not looking for anything like that, you never said you dislike me."

His deep voice whisper against my ear as his lips left mine, yet our gaze never broken. I am aware at how different he can become at situation like these, no longer with the grins and huge sparkly eyes, replacing them with smirks and deep gazes instead.

'Just a kiss. I'm going through a divorce, I've been through much more. That kiss meant nothing to me, so stop it.'

My voice came out softer than I'd like them to. I want to send the message across, that I'm not moved by any of his actions or words, that I can't be moved, that I never bothered about him. Yet as our gaze continue to deepen, my heart continues to race as he close in the gap once again. This time the kiss got passionate, and I found myself letting him in as his hand harshly hold onto mine, the other came around my waist and pulled me closer to him. And when we finally pulled away, his smirk return to his lips as he planted another kiss on my forehead. I curse myself for letting it away in the moment of spur. Don't I already know how this will end? Girls never learn, don't we?

"Doesn't seems like nothing to me."

His hands still holding onto mine as he pulled me close to him.


I push him away and stare straight back at him. I'm sure I look like a mess right now, but I'm not going to go against my words. I am not going to fall in love again. And that is final.

"You're just being cute now. So what do you want to talk about?"

He chuckled as he shuffle my hair. I bit my lips as I cursed myself, don't I already know how difficult he can be. Now he will never leave until he wants to.

'Get lost'

I glare at him before walking back into aunt Jemma's.

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