Chapter 20

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"Hey you, something troubling you this morning?"

I manage a tight smile as Dyo push my cup of coffee towards me from the counter. It felt terrible, Id admit this much. I recalled how we part ways silently when the train arrive at the station earlier. How I secretly take a peek at his disappearing back. How there seems to be two mind in me, one hoping he would come back and pester me while the other sincerely hope he disappear and never return again. It felt terrible. I never think I would feel this feeling again after getting the divorce with my ex husband, funny how life works.

'Not the best day of my life...but it will work'

I replied as I pull back from my thoughts and smile as he smile warmly back at me.

"I'm sure it will, it's not your worst right?"

He arch his brow as his grin widen. I nodded my head in agreement as I grab the cup of coffee from the counter after I hand him the notes.

'You might be a wise man'

I grin back slightly, he's right, this is nothing compared to the challenges I've faced as a single working mother.

"Maybe, we need to find out about that. Fighting!"

He chuckle as he place the notes into the cashier before cheering me on. I let out a slight chuckle and motion my hands to imitate his cheer before waving goodbye and letting myself out towards the exit.

That's right Hanna, fighting. You are going to need plenty of that now and here onwards. I sigh aloud as I walk towards the office.

The sky light blue, the clouds fluffly, the wind soft. Everything seems great today, everything except me.

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