Chapter 8

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For awhile our lives went back to how I would describe normal. It was just me, Ethan and aunt Jemma all over again and I recalled thinking how I must have overthink, like I always did.

But this, him here now outside my apartment gate in the midnight. I guess I'm going to have to take back my words.

'What are you doing here?'

I ask, still not quite awake as I glance at the clock laying nearby to notice it is three in the morning. The loud thumping on my door was what woke me up, and hopefully not anyone else in the neighborhood as well.

"Let me in"

He said in a mixture of commanding and pleading tone. I look blankly at him, what's wrong with him now? I hesitated before I cross my arms before me.


I reply firmly, now my senses clear enough to look at him clearly. Now that I notice long enough, it seems as if he isn't half awake himself. Have he been drinking? Still, why would he come barging to my place after drinking?


This time he clasp both his hands together, a grin on his lips, his figure lean down closer so his eyes can look through mine through the gate between us.


I shook my head. It make no sense, whatever he is doing. We hardly know each other, even after that one night of dinner together. Making up my mind, I shut the door lock.

"Hanna, please"

I heard him again as a couple of knock came following after. I lean back on the door, the noise have stop and it was silent all again. Perhaps he decided to leave. It seems like a lie even as I thought to myself, judging from his personality, that wouldn't seem like it.

I curse myself silently for being such a busybody. Just let him lay on the floor outside, who cares. I thought to myself as I unlock the door once again and true enough, there he was, sitting drowsily beside aunt Jemma door, his gaze move back at me and his grin reappeared. I know who'd cares, the gangsters and thugs in this area. If they found him laying there when morning comes, he will probably end up naked, since he is only wearing the nicest things.

'Fine. Come in'

I let out as I wave my hands to signal him inside. I'm not that cold blooded, still have some humane touch in me I guess. But this man, I need to beware of. He does everything that makes me cross my own line, which I've never done, not since I pressed for the divorce.

"You da best!"

I sigh again as he hug me tightly, I seriously just couldn't be bothered by him anymore. I pointed to the sofa and his gaze followed before he crunch his nose together as if to protest.

'Keep your voice down. Ethan is asleep.'

I guided him along to sit on the sofa. His grin still apparent as he just sat there looking back at me. I figured it will be just a waste of time figuring out what happen to him, that and I need to start my day early when morning comes. Best to settle this man here and get more rest before that happens.

'Here, drink this and get some rest.'

Surprisingly enough, he is still in the same position like he was before I left him there, his eyes wandering around the place as if studying them. He nodded as he took the cup of hot milk I just warm up in his hands and carefully took a sip from it. Looking at how he seems okay now, I guess my job here is done.

"I miss Ethan. I'd say I miss you too, but I am guessing you don't roll that way."

I was just about to go inside my room and lock the door shut when he speak. I glance back at him, yes, I certainly don't roll that way. We've met only three times and here he is saying that he miss me and my son? That is not at all possible.

'Get some rest. Goodnight'

I lock the door behind me and lean against the door. I look over at the cot Ethan was sleeping in, a dim nightlight above his angelic face. As much as I wanted to lie to myself my heart didn't skip a beat out there, I know it did. This is the problem, man like him, any man out there, they aren't sincere with their words. They talk their way through, gets what they want and then break girls heart. I know it, I believe it, and yet they are so good at doing it sometimes I start doubting myself.

Its the same with my ex husband, I didn't know he was cheating on me until that night. He had seems so loving and caring all those time as well, sugar coating his words and lying to me right in the face. This is exactly why the man outside my living room, or any man outside in the world does not deserve my time or love.

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