Chapter 21

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I watch as the couple wearing couple tees walk past me while I had my lunch silently in the corner of a hawker stall. I couldn't help but let out a cold chuckle when I notice how just a few days back I would have thought that I'm okay with their lovey dovey antics, but how I got back to square one and am rolling my eyes right at them now.

But that's the whole problem, chanyeol made me change my mind completely about love and then turns out to be a dick himself. He must have been proud how he managed made me look like a fool.


I curse silently when I look back at my watch, realizing how it is already evening and I still have a number of clients to meet before being able to head home to a emotional Ethan.

Ethan had been coping with the disappearance of his uncle Chan-yo, not really well I should add in. These days I have to pacify him even more and calm him down for every single thing that he find hurtful, seemingly because he realized his uncle Chan-yo might not be coming back anymore. He seems to have lose confidence in everything that is happening and in himself as well, afraid that any naughty behavior resulted in a missing adult.

I felt guilty, it seems as if I'm the cause of his behavior and for the past two weeks, I silently cried myself to bed. A part of it I blamed myself for the first time I brought Chanyeol back to meet Ethan, but most of it I blamed myself for cutting their meetings off so suddenly. If only I didn't let them meet for the first time, if only I didn't let chanyeol into my life, if only I didn't let Ethan gotten so close to him, if only I didn't find out about the bet. So many if only that would never come true. My heartbreak seems so tiny next to Ethan's lost of confidence and pain.


A sudden voice disrupt my thoughts and I was harshly pulled back to reality as I come to look at a face I've long gotten over. My ex husband. I can't help but let out a sigh, just what I needed to add on to my seemingly bursting head.

'What do you want'

I flatly pointed out as he sat down across the small table and we came face to face.

"Look, I know you're seeing someone now. I respect that. I just want to meet Ethan, you can't keep him away from his father. Please, just.."

I chuckle aloud at his words. Someone who never played his father role well when he had the chance is now wanting his father role back. He look at me as if afraid of what I'm about to say. I kept my comments to myself and considered what he said. He is Ethans father, that much is true.

'You're right. I can't keep Ethan away from his father. Not now, you can't meet him now. Maybe a couple of months down the road. Ill contact you.'

I watch as he seem genuinely surprised and happy with my words and nodded back at me. I'm surprised myself, how I could response to him so calmly. I guess I'm really over him now. No thanks to another one of his kind. I really need to learn.

"Thank you Hanna. I really appreciate this..I really do.. "

I back away instinctively as he tried to close the gap between us.

'Don't push it. Just as a father, not a husband.'

I narrowed my brows at him as I stood up from my seat and glare at him.

"Get away from her"

This time, the both of us was taken aback at the sudden interruption of another voice. I bit my lips and they form a firm line as I realized the voice belongs to Chanyeol. Our eyes met before his gaze moved on to my ex husband whom is still remain seated beside me.

"I just need to talk to her"

I hear him explain as he wasted no time in standing up and backing further away from Chanyeol.

"She doesn't wants to talk to you"

I chuckle silently at his confidence. Two weeks, and he is still the cool, collected, confident guy. Who was he to know who I wanted to talk to and who not.

'Crazy bastards...'

I glare at him and then back at my ex husband as I spat out. They should be best friends since they have the same hobby, playing with feelings. Grabbing my bag roughly from the chair, I find some cash and drop them beside the half empty bowl of noodle I was planning on finishing before these two appear.

Pushing my ex husband away from blocking my path, I sent another glare right at Chanyeol. Then pushing pass him as well, I walk away from the two man that I should never have crossed path with.

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