Chapter XXIX: Full Moon

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The Full Moon

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The Full Moon. It awakens many things when it reaches its apex. Some even say it brings out the crazy in some people. But most believe in the evils of the Full Moon. Mystical beings lurking in the night, hunting down innocents who dare to leave the comfort of their homes.

From Vampires to Werewolves- It was nearly Deaths favorite night. Lurking in the shadows as people dared to be brave. Waiting for it's next victim.

The full moon was gaining on the students. Remus Lupin had ended up in the Hospital Wing after lunch time. The Wolfsbane potion only doing so much for so long. Brena was sat next to Peter in Defense Against the Dark Arts with James and Sirius in front of them. Although, Talvi was still in control.

Talvi was in the process of writing down a list of peoples names. Brena was in her mind, flashing the vision through her mind over and over. Pushing Talvi to write down everything so they wouldn't forget. Joystone was going over the material that would be more likely to show up on the NEWTs before noticing that Brena wasn't even paying attention.

"Ms. Willard. Pay attention." Joystone snapped. Talvi glanced up with a snort.

"Pay attention to what? Your pestiferous pacing back and forth? Boring tone? Or maybe your insufferable lack of knowledge worthy of my time?" Sirius and James Oh'ed like the children they are as they glanced back at Talvi and back to Joystone to see her reaction. Peter let out a small squeak in surprise.

"Excuse me?!" Joystone shrieked in anger. Talvi raised her eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry- Do you want me to speak a bit slower?" Talvi teased. Sirius was biting his lips to keep from bursting into laughter. James had his hand over his mouth, snorting. "Is there a spell to slow down your voice? Not that you would know- damn, sorry."

"Detention Tonight." Joystone glared. Talvi snorted.

"Yeah- I'm busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow? No wait- Sirius are we still on for Hogsmeade?" Talvi turned her gaze to the boy who was trying his best not to lose it.

"Uh- Yeah, sorry Joystone, I asked her on a date for Saturday." Sirius agreed.

"I have her on Sunday!" James piped in.

"Sorry, Ms. Joystone, but maybe Monday? Although- that's when OWLs start for me... Damn." Talvi snapped her fingers as if she was truly upset.

"Professor. I am your Professor. And you have detention every night until School is over." Talvi stood up, grabbing her stuff.

"Actually, I'm already considering you as just an average person- or have you not heard that you won't be returning for next year? I do hope that your replacement will be more....Astute." Talvi said in a annoyed tone. "Oh, that means Intelligent." She informed before walking out of the classroom. James and Sirius got up along with Peter and followed after her.

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