1: Jason is Jesus?

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The last thing Alexia Summers expected to do when the school year started up again was to become popular all over again, back to her seventh grade self, but a bit less outspoken.

Actually scratch that, the last thing she expected was to be dating the hotshot on the basketball team.

Lets rewind a few months...

After the incident surrounding the mall and then Alex's month-long depressive episode, things seemed to be looking up, the group were back together again, hitting up the arcade on free days and lounging around Mike's basement.

But then El and Will moved away, and school started again. The three boys joined the Hellfire club but Lucas skipped out on practises a lot, for Basketball tournaments or training. Max was becoming more distant and Alex had fallen back into her old ways of popularity and stopped hanging out with the boys as much.

Max was barely speaking to them, slowly distancing herself from Alex as well, skipping out on meetings until she just stopped showing up all together so Alex broke it off officially, not wanting the girl to pick and choose when they were in a relationship.

Alex didn't stop crying for over a day after she did it. Fuck, everyone knows she was hopelessly in love with the girl, hell she probably still is and thinks that ignoring her makes her forget how she feels.

And then a certain Halloween party changed everything, Alex had been invited to the party, Rocky basically begged her to come. It was all a bit of fun until three drinks in and she was locking lips with the brunette in a game of spin the bottle.

Both had a bit of a crush on each other so it kept happening, little hook ups after practises until they made it official at Christmas. Her sudden rise in popularity thanks to that was the final cut and she barely spoke to the boys, beside Mike, the black haired boy made a point of coming to her house once a week or vice versa, he was still her closest friend despite their differences.

She wasn't unfriendly with any of them and would speak to Lucas all the time, probably the most out of the others, she was normally around after he finished practise, waiting for Rocky to finish or Robin to finish band so Steve could take them back.

She saw Dustin a bunch, him and Steve were still close, Dustin stopping by their house a couple times a week so him and Steve could catch up, or Dustin's mom decides he needs a babysitter.

Max was a different story, the two hadn't spoken since their break up, besides a few words passed in class or in group projects they had been paired together for, but it was always awkward. Alex was scared she would accidentally confess she still loved her even though she has a boyfriend, everything was too complicated.


"Then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi id that she's going out of state for college. Do I wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?"

Alex rolled her eyes and looked down to her notebook, she was trying to do her Maths homework but Steve wouldn't shut up about all his flings, it seemed as if he had a new one every other day.

"I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense?" Steve asks Robin, who was barely paying attention as she did her mascara in the small mirror.

"She isn't listening," Alex states, scribbling down equations on her maths sheet, Steve is such a reckless driver, her hand writing looked like a five year olds.

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