After the naval Battle

870 35 7

Kingdom of Lauria, Wyvern Headquarters

350 dragon riders were mobilized to engage with the enemy's main fleet. 3 hours have now passed since the last communication with them, which had ended in screaming. There was a heavy silence in the headquarters. Why hadn't they reestablished communications? Furthermore, why hadn't any of the dragon riders come back yet? Everyone was consumed with impatience and nervousness.

"So where are they?"

No one had an answer.

It was unthinkable, but... could they have been wiped out?

Throughout Rodenius's history, the wyvern was always the strongest creature. However, they were also a rare, valuable species, and it was hard to gather a large number of them.Lauria's rookery of 500 came from a combination of building up forces for 6 years and receiving assistance from the Papaldia Empire, with the stipulation that they be used to conquer Rodenius. With their overwhelming strength, it should have been a matter of course for them to take over the continent. Upon sending the 350 dragon riders to deal with the enemy's main forces, this elite squadron should have put on a historically meritorious performance before returning to base.

In reality, so far not a single one had returned. It was extremely painful to consider, but there was a high chance that they had been completely annihilated. Under normal conditions, even against an abnormally large fleet, it should be impossible to take out all 350 dragon riders.

Was it possible that their enemies were serving the legendary holy dragon Bahamut? No one knew how to report this to King Lauria.

"...tell the advance force that, by emergency order, the dragon rider order requests that half of their dragon riders return to headquarters."

As the order was giving,a lookout shouted.

''Enemy Wyverns from all directions! counting...Over...300!''Shouted the Lookout

''what!''shouted the Room

As they looked outside they saw 280 German Planes,130 Stukas and 150 HE-111-H-16 as they flew over the city the HE-111-H-16s dropped their bombs and the Stukas dived straight into the city to drop their payload,they had light loads as they had finished dropping some loads onto some farms and towns nearby.

The siren of the Stukas made everyone run in terror as the bombs hit,in massive explosions buildings were reduced to ash and fires broke out,It was utter chaos,the flames were only stopped when rain began after the Germans left,to the people,they were left in fear to how easily they were attacked and how they were left defenseless,in a single day 100 000 people of 850 000 were killed,and over 66% of the city was reduced to rubble.

War had arrived to Jin-Hark and with it the Fall of lauria would come.

Central Calendar year 1639, April 8th, Principality of Kua Toine, governmental meeting

"This concludes the report on the large naval battle in Rodenius's waters."

Officer Breweye, who had observed the battle, was invited to the meeting to give the report and serve as reference. All other attendees had in their hands printed copies of the battle report. The room was completely silent.

"So, what kind of report is this exactly? Germany sent out only 2 ships of which only 1 saw combat, challenged Lauria's fleet of 4400, then actually sunk all but 100 of them? On top of that, they destroyed 350 dragon riders and but turned them all into mincemeat? And on top of that, the ship suffered no casualties? It's written here 'personnel loss: zero.' No one died?! And let me just add that our fleet sat around doing nothing.

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