Plots, Pacts and Plans

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German Empire, March 17th 1641

1 Year had passed since the HME Visit and Germany was doing great, It's economy had finally fully recovered and was Making a trend to Hit a unheard of 1 Trillion by 1650, their Entire Navy had been fully replaced, with only their old Carriers, the SMS Schleswig-Holstein,5 Scharnhorst-Class and finally the 5 Bismarck-Class Battleships still being used by the Navy.

Their Army had Also been fully rearmed with New Weapons and finally the Air force was now 25% Jets.In All Germany's Military had leap from a Powerful foe to all to a Military of Pure Power, And with the 'Greater Gra Valkas Empire' being given the Number 1 on the Threat list, the German Military was training day in and day out, the same was with their reserves.

But that was only the Military, more happen in Germany, On July 25th 1640, the Kaiser's wife Victoria Gave birth to twins, Wilhelm V and Frederick IV, both were born with no complications, It was a Big surprise to the German people that welcomed the Babies with Joy.The Kaiser also announced just 3 months later that they had another On the Way.

And Finally was the Germans finally having the Nuclear Bomb Project completed, which they tested in A Island some 10 000Km east of German, the 17 000 Megaton Nuke called 'Little Fritz' was a success, and Production to have 100 Began, since it was Much cheaper to make them now since they knew had to, the Added funds that were free were put more Civilian Projects.

But not all was sunshine and Rainbows in Germany, the NPGP, now only some 2000 strong, after learning that the Gra Valkans were just like them, got into contact with them and they gave 50 Million$ to fund their Coup,all in order to make their dreams a reality.And also to create a Puppet in Germany.

Today was that day, After getting their members armed with MP-40s, they made their way to the Reichstag with the intention of taking over the Nation, they had a 100 to 1 advantage, they assumed it was a easy Job.

They Managed to take the Reichstag with relative ease, only some 30 dead on both sides, But when they went inside, They saw the whole room filled with Many German Banners and Propaganda of Pro-Democratic Posters, But no Member of the Reichstag could be found, well that was only partly true.

The Only man was the chancellor, standing in a Podium, alone and giving a speech.Which made the men very confused as to what he was doing

''He who rises Against Germany, Is a traitor to his Country,and traitors to their country, Are suppressed by In accordance with laws of Iron!'' as he shouted Gunshots rang out.


Many NPGPs fell dead, and they ran for cover. Von Kolh continued.

''I'dd Hoped, It might not be necessary any longer to be forced to defend the state with arms in our hands'' He said


More NPGPs fell dead, now only 1455 remained.The Chancellor didn't stop speaking

''But since Fate has now put us to the test.Every People! is itself guilty! That does not find the strength to destroy such notorious creatures!''He yelled.


Over 300 NPGPs fell dead across the Reichstag, they finally saw over 10 000 German Elite Infantry storming the Building and killing their comrades, but yet the Chanellor did not stop his speech.

''At this Hour, there was no place for any Clemency. if anyone reports to me and asks why i did not resort to the normal courts of Justice, Then all i can say to him is this: In this hour, We were responsible for the fate of the German people, thereby, We became the supreme Judge of the German People!'' He shouted

German Kaiserreich in Nihonkoku ShoukanWhere stories live. Discover now