Operation Barbarossa(2) August 1st-September 11th

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German-Muish Front line Near Nigrat, August 1st 1643

The front line traced along the Old Border some 30 Km away, And Both sides geared for the coming attacks.That day, A German Motorize Squadron raced in Nigrat, Suddenly it came Under Heavy enemy fire of Machine guns and Small Tank fire.The survivors ducked for cover.The Germans believed they ran headlong into moving Rearguard Gra Valkas Units.

But it was soon clear this was no Rearguard Army units.The enemy had disguised a Bunker into a farmhouse, The Germans had run right into the Meishu Line,Soon after the Fall of Nigrat in June of 1642, Fortifications were built along the 1050Km River just 30 to 50KM from The Border in anticipation of a Long war, These Included, Heavy Bunkers, heavy gun Turrets, Machine guns nests, Anti-Tank Obstacles and More.The Germans Had built Lines along many islands near the routes to Germany in the far east.

Since the line was so long to cover, they only had in some areas a few Machine gunners to provide defenses.The Line was only 1 year old when the Germans and Muish forces arrived.Most Places lacked the adequate defenses to deal with the German Air and Armor attacks.But when the Gra valkas pushed their frontiers further away, the new line was stripped bear for new defenses up North, But when Germany and Mu Attacked, it was hurriedly Given men and weapons once more, In the First weeks of the Oparation, the German-Muish forces seemed Invincible. Gra Valkas Generals and Marshals hoped this would stop the German Attackers and bleed them dry.

The First German Formation to attack the Meishu line was Army Group D.it was lead by the Germans most competent and experience commander, Marshal Von Kleist.Despite being 65 years old, He had been fighting wars since WW1, He commanded a Calvary regiment, In the inter war era, He commanded Germany's growing Tank Corps, In WW2 he was commander of the Budapest front against the Ottoman tankers, Now he was Commander of Army Group D.

In 1940 His Army played a Key decisive Role in the 3rd Capture of Paris against Syndicalist France, He Broke Syndicalist defenses North of Paris and with Rommel cut off the Forces in the Capital, Forcing their surrender that same day.For this Victory he was made Marshal of Germany at age 59.The Meishu Line didn't provoke a feeling of dread in Von Kleist, Having faced the French, Russians, British, Spanish, Italians, Ottomans and Now the Gra valkas fighting with fanatic resistance, he felt no Panic that Victory could be won.

His were well trained in Siege and trench warfare, Perfectly made for storming fortifications, German And Muish Assault teams were made up of around 20 men each reinforced with Combat engineers and Light artillery. In a Assault they would outflank the stronghold In order to isolate them, After they would be isolated, then they would attack from the rear.Using explosives to kill the enemy, Another tactic they found useful were their STG-44s and Panzerscherk which when used as one, caused untold devastation upon enemy Bunkers, killing everyone inside by the concussive blast alone.

Von Kleist's forces reached the Meishu line on various points between the 1st of August and the 4th of August.It took 4 days before the entire Army Had breached the line, After that Nigrat laid wide open to attack, He had lost some 21 000 Men Killed or Wounded, The enemy had suffered 122 000 Killed and 381 000 Wounded or captured, Now the Capital of Mandelas some 188Km away could be reached by Army Group D with haste.

In the Thick of the German Advance was the 14th German Infantry Division.As they prepared A Assault near the City, it came under Air attack from the last Gra Valkan Planes in Nigrat.800 Germans were Killed,but of 180 Bombers, Gra valkas lost 78, A Horrible price for a futile assault. That day, the 5th, Germany began to move troops nearby to cut off the Forces defending the city, If done quick enough, then they surmised some 800 000 to 1 Million to be surrounded.

Bit by bit, the Germans under Von Kleist, fought their way across the stubborn enemy defenses near the city.On the 8th they broke the line in the north and began to reach the Coast 250Km Away.Again that same day they broke the south and crawled to the southern coast 350Km Away. Now the Gra valkans were in a race against time to not get cut off.But now the Forces of Army Group D ran right into camouflage Gra Valkans Gun Positions, Each Bunker had to be taken out with the 128mm Heavy Howitzer.After another tense 2 day battle, they cleared the enemy Bunkers at lost cost, 3000 Dead to 53 000 enemy dead.The Gra valkas were once more into a flurry panic while they retreated.The Meishu Line had stopped the Germans For no more than 1 week when they proclaimed it would take months to overcome it.

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