The Iron Will of the German Empire

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Berlin,German Empire,Reichstag,December 6th 1639

Yesterday,200 Germans and the Kaiser were Killed,brutes killed them like cows,Germany was angry,the Nation was now asking the Government on thing:War of annihilation against Papaldia

Adolf Von Kolh,stood in front of the Radio,this was tuned to every channel,he was to speak to the entire Empire at once,As he placed the Papers on the Table,He let silence suck in the fears, the anger and the Patriotism of the Nation,After 1 minute,he let the silence speak,a Voice broke the long silence,every German was glued to his Words

''Germans...German workers,German soldiers and all who calls themselves German,I speak today not under the Peaceful circumstances of that of past,I speak to you under the heavy heart of Mine to speak the fact of the brutality committed against us,For yesterday,200 Germans, Including our Kaiser,Were killed under the impression that, you! the Germans would crumble under their Boots,the Papaldian Empire has brought forth upon us a war of totality.

That they will pillage,rape and kill every German they find,If such a threat were made at us, would we the German people,wrapped in the Aura of Wars of which we can boldly said,our Victories,Would we surrender? Would we give up when only a small percentage of our People,without cause or reason,slain like Cows?


It is not the will and drive of Germany to surrender when faced with a foe,devoid of all human emotion,Why would we give ourselves to the mercy of a state of which no human rights,no human decency be allowed? What would be the Fate of the German people and I if we were to submit to such a Brutish Empire?

You may ask,What is the Papaldian army?

First of all you have presumed incorrectly that they are truly an army,They are not an army of principle or honor like that of our past foes,instead they are an army of bandits,an army of marauders of death and enslavement.They take all their food,metals,goods and more back home,making the humble people of the nation become bonded in the vicious hands of the slave masters,a monstrous crime that must be stopped.they also rape,burn and pillage all they see that do not fit their ''perfect '' world.we must stop them from achieving this wicked goal,the enslaved must break it's chains and to save their heritage and resources from the Papaldian bandits such i say to the whole world:Death to the bandits of Papaldia!,To hell with the forces of enslavers!.As of now the German Empire and the Papaldian Empire are at war,And we will win or we will perish in the eternal struggle of Germanic Mankind for Peace on our Terms!

it might be asked,why did we try to create peaceful relations? It was the will of Us,the Sorrowful German people to pursue Peace where a long rifle not be aimed at our backs,It was foolish to think we could have Peace,But now that they have showed us they will not respect the Rules of War,It was providence to us that we didn't bow to their foolish demands.

Let me read their most outrageous demands so we may all understand why we have decided to enact this War clause.  

'The Empire shall dispatch an Imperial representative to Become King of Germany'

Is anyone here so insane to think for a moment that we will ever except another Kaiser from a Nation that isn't even from Germany? No I don't think so,They must have certainly lose a marble when making such demands to us.

'Germany shall send a requested number of slaves to the Empire each year'

This is insane,how could we ever consent to send our Fellow Brothers and sisters to become slaves? We are a modern civilized Empire,where Slaves are frowned upon,to think a Superpower would devoid itself of all human dignity is beyond me,They must certainly Have their foundation and vestige of Human crime denounce by all to see and have their Slaves rise up against their masters.

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