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Y/n Pov

I thanked Ms.Kim one last time as she dropped me off outside the condo before closing the door. As I made my way inside and to the living room I was met by the liar who left me at the bar even if she promised not to. She was sleeping on the couch, with the same clothes that she left in yesterday and the heels still on. I made my way behind the couch and sat up on the backrest.

I put my feet on Lisa before bending my knees a little before pushing her off the couch. A loud thud was created. "What the fuck!?" Lisa groaned out and quickly sat up on the floor looking around, stopping once her eyes landed on me. "That's what you get for leaving me...again." I said, still sitting on the couch's backrest. "So you just made it home?" She asked me while taking off her heels and throwing them to the side.

"Yes, but I did sleep inside and wasn't wandering the streets trying to find my way home." I told her as she stood up before slumping down on the couch, close to my legs. "Did you finally have a one night stand?" She asked excitedly, I shook my head. "Nope." Lisa looked at me confused. "Then where the fuck did you sleep?" She asked and leaned her head against her palm that was resting against the backrest.

"I was at the club until it closed and apparently the bartender took my phone and tried to contact everyone, but only one person answered." I said and she shook my leg to keep going. "Come on, who was it?" She asked curiously, I licked my lips before speaking. "My one and only therapist, Ms.Kim." I told her and she bursted out in laughter. "It's not funny, I totally embarrassed myself in front of someone who I have to meet almost every week, someone who is professionally helping me." I said and pushed her head making her stop.

"You got to spend your night with someone who you fantasise about." I groaned and shook my head. "I didn't SPEND the night with her, but on her couch after I embarrassed myself." Lisa smacked my knee, making me look at her. "It happens to the best of us, so get over it." I scoffed at her before smirking.

"Just like you got over embarrassing yourself in front of a whole crowd at the concert." I bit back since I knew that she wasn't over it and regretted it right away when she pushed my legs up making me fall back off the couch and onto my back. "To be fair, I wasn't ready for the performer to put the mic to my face expecting me to sing when I was ready for everything except that." Lisa defended and I saw her get up from the couch and walk upstairs as I kept laying on the floor in pain.

Jennie Pov

I hurriedly made my way inside the clinic, it was 2:15 pm and I was late. I quickly greeted my receptionist as I walked past her making my way to the stairs. As soon as I made it up the stairs to the waiting room, I saw Y/n who was on her phone, waiting. I made my way towards her, the sound my heels made as they hit against the floor echoing and making her look up at me. Y/n quickly put her phone away and stood up with a smile, making me give a small one back. "I'm sorry for being late, traffic." I told her as she shook my hand. "It's ok, it's good to see you Ms.Kim." She said and squeezed my hand lightly before letting go.

"Likewise." I told her and she gestured for me to walk and I did with her following behind me. I could feel her gaze on me the whole time until we made it to the door. Opening, I let her in first and walked up to my desk. "Have a seat." I told her pointing to the couch as I placed my purse on the swivel chair behind my desk and grabbed my notebook and pen. "So how has your weekend been?" I asked Y/n as I sat down in the armchair.

"I took your advice and have been trying to meet someone...although it hasn't been going that well." Y/n said and scratched her neck with a small chuckle at the end. I looked up as I finished writing my notes. "And why is that?" Y/n sighed and leaned back on the couch. "I feel like I am way too awkward with girls and not because I am nervous, it's just." She didn't finish and pursed her lips before looking at her hands. "It's alright to tell me, you know the purpose of these appointments." I assured her, making her look up with a small but also sad smile.

"Lisa is my only friend, the reason why we met was because our parents knew each other...I've been home schooled since I turned 16 after an incident at school. Ever since what happened at school my parents kept me from having a social life until now, kind of so I have never experienced friends or a girlfriend which has left me as an outsider around others since I don't know how to fit in." She finished and I knew from the start that there was more to her and her family than them just being loving and caring.

She beat me to it when I was about to speak but she spoke first. "So I have been prevented from meeting people until last year when I started college even though I still have to do it online." I looked up from my notebook as soon as I finished writing and leaned back in my armchair. "What type of incident was it that happened at school?" I asked her before going any further into what she told me about her life. "I mean it wasn't anything major in my opinion but it was in my parents eyes...it got me even more popular among the girls although I still just stuck to Lisa." Y/n said with a small laugh as she mentioned the girls.

"But what happened was, I went to a private school and I guess puberty hit extra hard in the whole horny area so one time in class I was called up to stand in front of the class by the teacher because I fell asleep in class. Little did anyone know I had an erection that was more than visible in my pants and was forced to stand in front of everybody. The teacher noticed it too and to embarrass me even more told me to hold my hands behind my back so I couldn't cover it. That's where I got completely humiliated in front of my whole class and someone had snuck in a phone that time and recorded everything, from my state and how I got yelled at by the teacher before posting it on the school's instagram account that was made by students to post embarrassing videos and photos of everyone at school...like a gossip kind of thing."

I listened carefully to what she told me, even if she said that it wasn't anything major in her opinion her face told a completely opposite story. "Was this before or after your hypersexuialty started?" I asked curious. "Before." I tapped my pen on the notebook and stopped. There we have it. The cause of her hypersexuality. "From what you told me I think this incident impacted your life more than you admit it has since I believe that it's the main cause of your diagnosis, Y/n." I truthfully told her and she licked her lips before sighing deeply. "What did you feel after it happened?" I asked Y/n and she thought about it for a second.

"You would think that I would be sad but I was quite the opposite, I was only sad because my parents pulled me out of school and from how my teacher humiliated me in front of everyone...but otherwise, it boosted my sexuality like a lot since girls were all over me and I was known from that moment on as the girl with BDE and the girl who's packing." Y/n explained and looked down at her crotch, making me do the same out of instinct but I quickly looked away and back at my notes when I realised where my eyes followed hers.

I cleared my throat and looked at Y/n who was looking right back at me. "Do you think that your awkwardness around others is like a protection that you yourself make unconsciously to avoid any possible humiliation...like a way to distance yourself?" Y/n didn't break eye contact and I tried my best to keep it but her gaze was too strong making me break it first. I scanned her again when she didn't say anything, but her gaze was still on me. "Yes, even though that moment boosted my sexuality and formed a big ego around it too, it did cause me trauma."

Y/n Pov

I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, I was seriously way too horny right now. It seems like I am some big pervert but I tried my best to stop all these thoughts. She just looks so fucking hot without even trying. At this point I was just answering her question left and right not even minding what she was asking me as I was just busy controlling my thoughts. Which I think she caught on to after it took me a while to answer this time. "Is everything alright, you can just tell me if these questions are too much at once and we can take it next time."

"No it's not that, I'm just trying to understand how I will get better when everytime I leave your office, I leave sexually frustrated and I might come off strong and cross some boundries but it's the truth Ms.Kim and I have said it once and I will say it again..."

"The problem here is that I feel horny just by looking at you Ms.Kim."

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