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Jennie Pov

Friday again, I sighed and slumped back on my swivel chair as I looked in front of me. Y/n wasn't responding to my calls or texts and didn't come to the appointments. I still needed to talk to her and she still was my patient. I was supposed to have an appointment with her today since she didn't come to the one that was two days ago. Seems like I won't be seeing her. It was only 1pm. I had no clue how to reach her otherwise, I didn't have her roommates number although I could ask Rosé. But she would be wondering why Y/n wasn't attending her appointments.

I decided to give it one last try and call her. With a heavy sigh, I opened my contacts and found Y/n's number. Putting it on speaker and placing the phone down on the desk while waiting. Just when I was about to end the call since she wasn't answering I got stopped by an answer. "Hello." Although it wasn't Y/n that answered. "Uhm hi, it's Jennie, Y/n's therapist."

"Oh, It's Lisa, Y/n's roommate...Y/n doesn't have her phone with her since she's at the pool but I can forward the message."

"It's about her not showing up to her appointments." I started and heard some rustling in the background. "She hasn't been showing up?" Lisa asked to make sure, I hummed in response while I heard a door open on the other side. "I will make sure she shows up next time, I can also leave my number in case."

"That would be great...thank you and have a nice day."

"No problem, have a nice day...Y/n I will fucking beat your ass once you get up here!" I flinched as Lisa yelled at Y/n as she hung up. "At least that's one problem out of the way, I hope." Mumbling to myself, I dialled Jisoo's number since I had free time right now since Y/n didn't show up.

Y/n Pov

My head turned towards our balcony when Lisa's voice boomed throughout the whole common area where the pool was. I squinted my eyes at her and saw her gesturing for me to get inside. With a groan, I got out of the pool and dried myself with the towel. I had no clue what she was so mad about. The days have been slow lately, I haven't been leaving the condo as much. Rosé would occasionally stop by if she had time unless I was at the studio, training before the fight.

Jennie though, I haven't seen her for a week now. I skipped all our appointments because I was still feeling guilty about what I did. The guilt eating me up and was probably one of the reasons as to why I didn't feel like leaving the house. And even if I did come to the appointments, what do I say? I opened the front door and kicked off my slides before walking to the kitchen to grab water.

Walking into the kitchen I was met by a furious looking Lisa. "Why have you been skipping your appointments?" She asked, seriously with crossed arms. "Where did you get that from?" I tried lying but she wasn't having it. "From Jennie herself, she called you and I answered." I took out a water bottle and unscrewed it, drinking from it while shrugging. "Drop the act Y/n." Lisa said and walked up to me, looking up at me. "What act Lisa?"

"You act as if this doesn't bother you when it clearly does."

"Even if this does bother me, I can't just go to those appointments and pretend that nothing happened. She was pissed at me, Lisa. You seriously don't understand how that made me feel. Guilt is literally eating me up."

"It's better to go and talk about it then, instead of avoiding it all together. Now promise me that you won't skip the next one."

I crossed my arms and she raised an eyebrow at me, giving me a warning look. Letting my arms fall to my sides, I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine, I promise."

I walked into the café and made my way to the counter. I was bored and decided to get something to drink. As I finished ordering, I turned around to sit down by a table while I waited for my drink. But of course, I had to bump into someone by accident. Can people stop being so short? I thought as I didn't see her, that's why I walked into her.

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