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There's also an important question to you guys at the end about the book

Rosé Pov

Y/n got in the car with a sigh, slamming the door closed, she just sat there. "What is it?" I carefully asked her, she put the keys in but didn't start the car. It was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke up. "You and Kai aren't just familiar Rosé." Y/n started and looked at me. "Y/n." I said not wanting to talk about it right now. Y/n started the car and nodded. "It's fine you don't need to tell me." Her voice was calm, but she didn't look at me while saying it, which meant that she wasn't actually so calm about it.

I feel bad now, I mean I will have to tell her at some point. "Are you mad?" I asked and looked at her side profile. She only shook her head and began driving, I bit my lower lip, chewing on it. I sighed and decided to give in and tell her. "We used to date for like a year but broke up two years ago." Y/n glanced at me before looking back at the road. "Why couldn't you just say that right away?" Y/n asked me, the tone of her voice was much softer now. "Because there is much more to it."

"In what way?" She asked me, curious and I took in a breath. "In the way that h-he cheated on me multi-multiple times and h-he..."

Y/n Pov

I quickly glanced at Rosé again as her voice broke. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at the floor with a frown. With that I turned into a parking lot and put the car in park. I got out of the car and walked over to her side, opening the door. I unbuckled her belt and helped her out of the car, she immediately grabbed onto my shirt and buried her face in my torso crying. "You don't have to tell me more than that, it's fine and I'm sorry for making you tell me." I said while hugging her petite frame before kissing the top of her head. "N-no, I want to tell you." Rosé sobbed out.

I rubbed her back as she wet my shirt with her tears. "Are you sure?" I asked her because I didn't want to push it. She must've understood me earlier, I wasn't mad at her that she didn't tell me. It was because my thoughts were occupied with Kai seeing my car in Jennie's drive-way. Rosé nodded her head against my chest and pulled away slightly. "He ch-cheated multiple times a-and after u-us being together for three months his t-true colours started s-showing." I frowned at her words that she choked out, the thought making my heart clench.

"He would b-be toxic...and at one p-point he used viole- he used viole-." I hugged her tighter as she couldn't bring herself to say the word. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me more." I said knowing what she was trying to say. I let her cry on my chest as she tried to calm down without saying much more. "Thank you, Y/n." Rosé said after a bit, her tone calm now. I looked down at her as she pulled away a little to look up at me. "For what?" I asked, she sniffled.

"For being good to me, even if we haven't known each other for that long you have been treating me better than he ever has."

Lisa Pov

"Y/n." I said, shaking her trying to wake her up. She groaned and tried to push me away from her. "Get the fuck up." I grabbed her covers and pulled them off of her. "Why." Y/n whined and rolled over to her back, looking at me. I gave her a smile and sat at the edge of her bed. "You have an appointment with Ms. Jennie Kim in about an hour." I explained and patted her bare stomach, Y/n sighed. "I am tired." Y/n complained, I shrugged at her licking my lips.

"I too would be if I was fucking two chic's at the same time."

"Don't even start." Y/n warned, I was just getting started though.

"So how is the therapy even going?" I asked her, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Great." She simply replied, sitting up on her bed. "I bet it is especially if you get your dick sucked in the bargain." She made a tsk and took her phone. "Which one texted you now?" I continued, I just wanted her to realize how stupid she was by acting like this. "What's your problem?" Y/n asked, putting her phone aside, looking at me pissed. "Mine? I don't have a problem but you might have one once one of them finds out what's going on." Standing up from her bed she went to her closet.

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