Chapter 1

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Author's pov

"Brother!! Take the children to a safe place" A man shouted holding his injured and bloody arm tightly.

"No! Dad! I won't go anywhere without you!" A teenage boy shouted as hot tear drops were streaming down his cheeks. Another man who was holding the hand of a crying eight year old, grabbed the teenager's wrist and started hurriedly pulling him to a car.

"Nooo!! Let me go! Dad!" The teen yelled frantically struggling to break free. More bullet shots were heard as the injured man screamed,


The boy was harshly shoved inside a car and the door was closed on his face. He started banging on the door of the vehicle screaming and crying like a lunatic.

As the car started, the teen saw a bullet pierced through his father's stomach then his chest.

A heartwrenching howl of pure melancholy left the teen's throat.


"NOOO!!" Screeched a young man in his early twenties. The man sat up with heavy breathing and cold sweat on his skin like he had run a marathon. He grabbed the glass of water from his nightstand and chugged it down greedily.

He checked the time and saw it was 3:39 a.m . Sighing heavily, he got up from his king sized bed and went outside. When he entered the dimly lit  living room, he saw someone already standing there infront of the huge glass window. The person's back was facing him.

"What are you doing here at this time Kinn ?" Sitting down on a couch, the young man asked the person who was gazing outside of the window with a cigarette between his lips.

The person who was addressed as 'Kinn', turned around removing the cigarette from his mouth to blow the smoke out in a leisurely manner .

Kinn flashed a lopsided grin. He proceeded to sit on the couch that was on the opposite side of the other man.

Crossing his legs, Kinn stated smugly, "I could ask you the same thing....'Mr. Vegas' " 

The other man sighed running a hand through his silky hair.

"Will you stop mocking my bodyguard?"

"Well....can't help it. It's kind of sweet how he calls you" Kinn said taking a drag of his half finished cigarette.

"I see you're still salty about uncle giving your eye candy bodyguard to me" the other said with a mocking undertone. Kinn's right eye twitched in irritation as he took another drag to compose his mind.

"Don't get too boastful Vegas . Dad gave him to you because I agre-" Kinn's sentence got cut by the young man or you can call Vegas.

"How about we make a deal?" Vegas suggested arresting Kinn's full attention.

"What kinda deal ?"

"You seem to be very interested in that little bodyguard of mine. So...."

Vegas paused midway. He smirked sinisterly at Kinn who narrowed his eyes.


"How about I give him to you and in exchange, you have to find someone for me ?"

Kinn leaned back on the couch seemingly pondering about something. Vegas already knew he got this deal. So when Kinn said yes he scoffed in satisfaction.

"I'll send you the details tomorrow. Night night big bro"  Vegas sang mockingly before getting up from the couch and heading to his room .

Lmao Kinn 😭🤣

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Lmao Kinn 😭🤣

Trapped (VegasPete) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now