Chapter 70

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Author's pov

"What's wrong ? You look so worried" Anthony whispered.

Pete who seemed like he was about to die, looked at the taller and shook his head.

"I-I'm fine t-totally" Pete said or more like convinced himself.
Because at this moment their redhead coach was tying everyone's wrists and ankles with ropes and was telling them to jump into the water. They have to untie themselves within a short ammount of time and then come on the surface of the water.


But shockingly, the trainees were coming out of the water after 30 to 40 seconds. Oh hell naw ! He'll die instantly if he tries to pull something like that.

Pete's anxiety was keeping him on edge. He prayed to God but God tends to sleep soundly at times like this.

Six trainees before Pete moved forward to stand on the starting block. The helpers of the coach tied their wrists and ankles.

"Okay get ready....three, two, one!" The coach shouted and they dove into the pool.

Pete waited with his heart in his mouth. In a matter of seconds, a guard came out and some others cheered. The others followed right after.

Holy smokes! It was now his turn. Anthony was standing behind him on the line. How will he survive this?

"Come on Pete move. The coach is glaring at you" Anthony whisper yelled. Pete snapped out of his misery and quickly jogged towards the starting block. He took deep breaths as the helper tied him.

Bye bye, he'll miss the oxygen.

"On the count of, two, three! Go!"

Pete closed his eyes tightly and tried to jump. The concrete stand under his feet felt like jelly. He lifted his heels up but his willpower decided to ditch him.

"Oi ! Why are you still standing there?!" The coach yelled angrily.

Pete looked at the redhead man sheepishly. He thought of an excuse to answer but in the end just said the truth.

"A-actually I d-don't know how to s-swim" Pete said .

Anthony was the first one to come out during Pete's little problem. The other trainees also came out a few seconds later.

"Then why didn't you say that before?!" The coach sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Untie him" the red haired man ordered.

The helper came forward and undid the knots of the ropes.

"Sit aside for now. I'll assign someone to teach you swimming"

Pete was grateful to himself for not diving inside the pool or he would have been dead by now. He shuddered at the thought.

"Why are you sitting here looking all sad?" Anthony asked sitting beside Pete while drying his hair.

"Uh I've never learnt to swim before so the coach told me to sit aside" Pete answered.

"Ugh! I made a complete fool out of myself" the shorter cried.

"Hey don't worry. I can teach you just fine" Anthony said flashing a smile.

"Will you?!" Pete's eyes lit up.

"Haha of course. Let me ask the coach first" the taller of the two got up and went to the coach.
Pete saw them talking and nodding about something.

Anthony came back with a happy smile and said, "He permitted me to teach you"

"Thank you!!" Pete exclaimed with a huge smile.

*Agressive squealing noises* That lil tum looks like a marshmallow 😭😭

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*Agressive squealing noises*
That lil tum looks like a marshmallow 😭😭

Trapped (VegasPete) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now