Chapter 6

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Author's pov

"Boys...make him talk"

As soon as these words left Vegas's mouth, Big and Ken stomped towards Pete. They untied the rope around Pete's waist and legs to get him down from the chair.

"N-no! Let me go!" Pete cried out as they started trying his ankles together.

"You shouldn't have lied" the one guard with an Australian accent spoke tying the final knot on Pete's ankles.

"I swear I don't- AGH !" Pete curled up as a painful kick landed on his stomach.

That was the beginning of his torture. After that more kicks started making contact with his already exhausted body.

"AHH ! P-please I d-don't know anything- UGH!" Pete's wails of agony fell into deaf ears as the two guards continued to abuse the poor male.


By now Pete's body was full of blue and black coloured bruises. It hurt to even breath.

"Come on! Tell the truth you bastard!!" Big shouted stepping on the side of Pete's head and putting pressure.

"AHHHH!! I BEG YOU PLEASE! S-stop this" Pete was sobbing. He felt like his head was going to explode.

"I am telling the truth-AHHH!!" Pete screeched in pain as Ken kicked him on his already badly bruised stomach.

"You lying son of a bitch !"

Pete closed his eyes tightly as another kick was about to land on his chest when someone decided to intervene.

"Stop now"

"Mr. Vegas.." Big and Ken said unitedly.

"Has he said anything?" Vegas asked .

"We beat him till he couldn't breath but this fucker hasn't opened his mouth yet" Ken said bowing.

"Hm...very loyal, are we ?" Vegas scoffed.

"Pick him up and take him to the drum" Vegas ordered coldly.

Pete tried thrashing around. He was petrified of what will come next. But struggling only earned him a hard slap on his face.

The two guards took him to a drum that was at a side of the room. It was full of water. Pete immediately knew what was about to happen. He struggled to break free but his hair was harshly grabbed. He was forced to look at Vegas's dark brown orbs ; the lack of proper light making them appear nearly black.

Those eyes were cold and had no sign of mercy in them . To Pete, Vegas looked like a monster.

"Let's see how lack of oxygen makes you feel" Vegas said hissing slightly.

The smaller male's head was instantly pushed into the water. Pete tried to hold his breath. But it was way harder at this state. His heart was beating loud and fast. His lungs were burning. And his brain was shutting down.

At that exact moment his head was pulled out of the water. He gasped loudly. His tears mixed with the water droplets, rolled down his cheeks. The time of relief didn't last long. His face was again shoved into the water. Pete's chest was paining from the torture.

When his face was withdrawn from the water, he panted and coughed because some water managed to get into his nose.

For how long this torment went on, Pete didn't bother to calculate. The last thing he remembered before passing out was a guard saying,

"Mr. Vegas I think we should stop now or he'll die"

Ngl they were jerks in this chapter but they hawt tho- ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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Ngl they were jerks in this chapter but they hawt tho- ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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