Chapter 42

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Author's pov

That evening blackish grey clouds covered the sky . Cold wind started blowing slowly. Pete looked out of the huge glass window of the living room.

"Seems like the storm will be intense" Yok blurted.

"Yeah it's already so dark outside"

"Let's finish this and we'll be free for today" Yok said handing Pete a mop stick.


As expected, the storm striked the land on full force around late night. Raindrops pattered against the windows, wind was rushing angrily across the field. The rumbling of thunder was overbearing.

Pete was wide awake in the comfort of his bed. He looked at Porsche's side to see the older sleeping soundly. At the end being frustrated with himself, Pete got up to go to the kitchen. Maybe some warm milk will help him fall asleep.

He got out of the room without making much noise.
As he got closer to the kitchen, he heard faint sound of....crying ?

Pete stopped walking. Now he was having doubts. Was any ghost playing tricks with him ? Pete fears these unearthly creatures way too much.
But wait those cries sound familiar.

With his heart hammering in his chest from dread , Pete made his way to the staircase. The closer he got the louder the cries became.
They sounded like 'Save me please' , 'Phi I'm scared' .

Pete couldn't see clearly in the dull room. But he spotted a figure near the bottom of the stairs. At that exact moment lightning flashed accross the sky lighting up the dark room for a split second. That was enough for Pete to see a curled up Macau covering his ears with his hands.

Then came the booming sound of thunder which must have overwhelmed the already petrified Macau . He wailed pitifully.


Pete didn't waste a second to run up to the scared boy and hug him tightly. Macau hugged him back in an instant. Pete felt how rapidly the teen's heart was beating and he was shaking uncontrollably. His breathing was erratic too.

Pete started whispering soothing words to the teen.

"It's okay"

"I'm here, see ? Phi Pete is here"

"Nothing will happen to you. You're safe"

Pete said rocking them back and forth while rubbing comforting circles on Macau's back.

"Where is your room honey ? Can you stand up?" Pete asked.

He felt Macau nodding against his shoulder. A portion of his shirt felt wet ; probably from the younger's tears.
Pete stood up with Macau attached to his side.

After they got inside Macau's room, Pete made him lie down on the bed and covered him with the comforter. Macau looked at him with wary eyes. Pete gave him a soft smile and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Don't worry. I won't go anywhere until the storm dies down" Pete assured running his hand through Macau's hair and massaging his scalp.

"T-thank you phi" Macau expressed his gratitude.

"I went to drink water but when I was coming back, the sound of thunder increased a-and I couldn't m-move"

Pete heard the tremor in Macau's voice. He realised that the younger was astraphobic .

"Try to be calm, I won't leave your side hm?"

Macau nodded hearing Pete's relaxing voice. The older continued to massage his scalp until his eyelids felt heavy. At some point Macau was completely out .

Is that a marshmallow wrapped in blankets? 🥺🥺 He's 9 years older than me but I still wanna adopt him 🤧 Be my son please 🥺

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Is that a marshmallow wrapped in blankets? 🥺🥺 He's 9 years older than me but I still wanna adopt him 🤧 Be my son please 🥺

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