Chapter 14

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Five updates at once because the pressure was less today ♡

Author's pov

Porsche told Pete to lay down on his bed when Pete finished eating. He also told Pete, that he'll appeal to Mr. Kinn for another bed and some clothes. Pete couldn't be more grateful. He didn't know Porsche for long but in this snake pit the older felt like a comfort person to him.
He thanked Porsche and laid down on the bed carefully. Though he took painkiller, his body was still aching .

The feeling of physical pain didn't last long as the tiredness kicked in. Pete's eyelids became heavy and they fluttered close slowly. Without his knowledge, he drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Pete didn't know for how long he has slept. When he woke up, the light coming from the open window was quite bright. He leisurely sat up. His face felt swollen from the amount of sleep he'd gotten. But he felt better.

Pete's eyes landed on the small digital clock on the bedside table and he saw it was already 2 p.m . Then his attention switched to the sticky note beside the clock.

Hey, sorry I won't be able to be there when you wake up. I got called for duty. When you wake up, go to the kitchen. I already told aunty Mei (the cook) about you. She'll give you food. I'll probably be back around 3 p.m
Don't miss me too much ;)

A winking face was drawn at the end of the note which made Pete smile slightly. The guy sure is a goofball .
He put the note aside and got out of the bed. He spotted a red sweatshirt and grey sweatpant folded near the edge of the bed. Porsche must have put those here for him to change into.

He picked the clothes up and went outside of the bedroom. On his way to the bathroom he saw a pillow and blanket on the living room sofa. So Porsche slept here last night. Pete felt bad for taking the bed. He made a mental note to apologize later when he sees him.

Pete finished doing his things and got out of the bathroom. He didn't take a shower because his wounds are still healing. He wetted a towel and wiped the unharmed parts of his body lightly.

Now he has to find where the kitchen is. The thought of getting out of the room was intimidating to Pete. What if he runs into that formidable man. Pete got goosebumps just by imagining that. But his stomach was craving food.

He pouted and opened the door slightly to peek outside. It seemed safe to go out. No mean looking man was standing there. Pete released a breath of relief and cautiously got out . He closed the door very silently as if worrying he would wake someone up.

He tiptoed through the hall like a lost kitten . He was lost indeed but didn't have the courage to ask any guard for directions. They looked like statues wearing black suits.

Even the slightest sound was scaring Pete. So when someone gave him a jump scare from behind, his soul almost left his body.

Lemme keep this ball of fluff in my pocke- nevermind I don't wanna die early :-D

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Lemme keep this ball of fluff in my pocke- nevermind I don't wanna die early :-D

Can anyone guess who scared Pete ? }:)

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