Unpublished Books

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Just a lil chapter on unpublished books I have. I lost motivation to write most of these so I probably wont continue but I thought posting the summary for each would be interesting or whatever lmao.

This was inspired by VoodooBytes

Hellzone \\ Miles Fairchild x Oc

Basically follows the plot of the movie, I just added an oc that's Kate's little sister. Honestly, I only had one chapter left to write but I gave up because it's really boring and nothing interesting happens. Like the romance isn't even relevant or built up well.

Don't Blame Me \\ Finn Wolfhard - Louis Partridge x reader

I've rewrote the plot so many times so I'm not even sure anymore. But basically ig it's like Y/n starts dating her dream guy, Louis Partridge but has feelings for her childhood enemy (Finn) I have a couple of chapters done but I feel like I wrote this more for the aesthetic then the actual book being good.

Here's the summary I put: In which, the man she's supposed to be with isn't the man she lays wide awake dreaming about.

Sour \\ Finn Wolfhard x reader

Literally just a book dedicated to the album Sour by Olivia Rodrigo. I didn't even start writing this. Tbh I think it'd be really cliche if I continued. I came up with the idea over a year ago when I was in a tough place, so yeah...

There's No Turning Back Now \\ Mike Wheeler x reader

This one I actually posted around a year ago and then unpublished it cause I never continued. It's about Y/n being a psychic and Mike being like a realist, meaning he doesn't believe in that shit. And they have to work together to take down a ghost in a hotel.

I Wish I Wasn't Such A Narcissist \\ Mike Wheeler x reader

A whole Stranger Things AU based on everyone having cool powers except Mike so he's emo. The idea is dope but I can't see myself ever continuing it. I'm pretty sure I started writing it because of a dream I had with Mike.

Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way \\ Boris Pavlikovsky x reader

An insert story. Follows the movie's plot and I just add the reader into it. Really boring and went nowhere. I apologize 'cause I know Boris is a fan favorite but whenever I try writing something with him it's just boring.

I'm Insane But I'm Your Baby \\ Miles Fairchild x reader

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