Chapter 2

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"Good evening sir! I'm Monique Horne!" I said softly to the creepy man in front of me.

He was scarier and had a lot more tattoos than the other one with his short dark blond hair and strong bony face that scared me to death. He was wearing a navy suit that made him look like a really dangerous gangster or something.

"Yes, have a seat!" He mentioned the chair in front of his desk without taking his eyes off the file in front of him.

I tried to break the awkward silence by clearing my throat after a few minutes.

"Will you hold on for a second?" he snapped and gave me a death glare with his midnight-black eyes, before returning to that dreadful file.

I waited for a few more minutes until I became impatient.

Angry, I thought, "He has to be fucking kidding me!"

I tried to control my voice as I spoke "Sir, I can come another day if you are busy."

"Who are you once more?"I grit my teeth as he asked.

"Being here in the first place was a foolish idea!"

I began, "Sir, I am Monique Horne..." but he interrupted me.

"Oh, sure!The DJ girl!" I assumed he was making fun of me when he smiled and looked up and down my body. "What the hell did I tell you about the clothes?" I was startled when he suddenly spoke up again.

I started, "I...I have them in my beg, because..." but he seemed to like to cut me off in the middle of sentences.

"Whatever ! Simply use the restroom to change! In less than thirty minutes, the show will begin, and I want to see what you can do!" He said it with a disgusted grimace before returning to the file's contents.

I got up quickly and ran toward the door.

"And return when you are prepared!" He spoke harshly, and the sudden sound made me jump once more.

"Why do I need to tremble now,huh? Perhaps because those people appear so terrifying!That's why," I thought to myself.

I quickly responded, "Yes, sir," and left his office as soon as possible.

After sprinting to the bathroom, I closed the door behind me. I got dressed and held my hair in a high, messy bun, I let some of it fall to the sides of my face. I put on some cat eye makeup with nude lips, mascara, and makeup. I then looked at myself in the mirror once more,before making my way out of the bathroom and toward the manager's office,

"Damn, girl! This was unexpected!"He exclaimed while examining my body with a sinister grin on his face."Now hurry up! The dancers are already there, waiting for you!

With each step, I left with a head nod and waved my curved hips. Before I got to the stage, I cat-walked to the song's rhythm because I could already hear it playing through the speakers. Puri's Wildin was played. I was kind of excited when I saw a lot of people dancing hard, rubbing their bodies against each other, and the dancers waving their sexy bodies at the edge of the stage. I smiled, put the headphones on, and started dancing while mixing the music. When I looked to my left, I noticed the same man sitting on the same sofa with two other men and a few girls as I had when I first entered the club. I smirked sensually, bit my lip, put the headphones down, and slowly made my way toward them. I stopped in front of him so that he could see my entire body.

"May I help you, little girl?"He suddenly yelled over the noise, giving me the most seductive smile I'd ever seen.

By biting my lip and leaning down a few inches from his face, I caused him to lean back against the sofa and place his arms wide open, allowing me to keep my balance by placing my hands on his knees. I was almost kissing him when I moved closer to his lips after looking into his eyes and at his lips. I touched his bulge in his suit pants with my covered core while straddling his lap, which caused him to grab my hips tightly, and I whispered seductively:

"I would love some help, baby! But not from you!"

I was pretending to kiss him when I suddenly grabbed the face of the girl next to him and kissed her deeply, biting her red lips and rolling my hips while still on the man's lap. I could hear him let out a deep guttural growl as he firmly pressed on them. He delicately got my throat and pulled my face near his once again.

"You just have to ask if you want to fuck!"He whispered in my ear, and when I looked at his face, I saw that he was evilly smirking, prompting me to smile back.

I also whispered, "I'm sorry, but I don't think you could satisfy me the way she could!" With that, I got off of him and slowly walked back, letting him admire my generous ass.

I had high hopes that everything would go well. I was paid significantly more because the manager was so pleased.

"Boss's order!"The manager stated, "Keep doing what you do because he thinks you should be given an award!"

I was enjoying my job more and more as three mounts flew by quickly. When I first arrived, I frequently observed the same tattooed man-whose name I later learned to be Raffael Melenia-on the same sofa with other men and girls. I was politely rejecting him each time he tried to hit on me, pleading with him to just leave me alone.

"Baby, you have so many beautiful girls! Why do you always have to hit on me when we meet?"I told him, faking a disappointed frown, "I think I need to talk to my boss about this, don't you think?" This caused him to just smirk wickedly, causing all of my body hair to rise.

"You're such a brave girl, little one!" he wolf grinned and showed me his white, perfect teeth."If that's the case, you should tell him! I'd love to hear his thoughts on this!"

I was attracted to him strongly, but I was unable to express it to him. I'd never felt this way about a girl or a boy before, so those feelings scared the crap out of me. He was nothing more than a sexy motherfucker. The problem was that I had no intention of ever meeting the real boss and had never done so. I went straight to the bathroom to change my clothes right after the show, but Felix, the manager, called me into his office before I could get there.

"You did a great job, baby girl! You were made for this shit! We've never had so many people in the club before, and the majority of them came to see our beautiful DJ!"He smiled at me.

"I'm grateful, sir! It makes a big difference to me!"I answered bashfully.

"Now, your presence in his office has been requested by the boss! You have to be something special for him to want you there!" He explained by pointing his entire body at me.

I asked, my heart pounding against my chest, "What if I refuse?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't act that way! I suggest you do as he asked because he is regarded as the town's most dangerous man."

Because of my stupid stubbornness, I didn't want to get in trouble, so I just nodded in agreement and made my way to the boss's office, excited but terrified that I would finally meet him.

I was curious about his appearance. Was he just a gross, filthy, fat man, or was he just as hot as the manager?

 Was he just a gross, filthy, fat man, or was he just as hot as the manager?

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