Chapter 31

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When I awoke the next morning, I took a shower and dressed casually before going to the kitchen where Raffael and his men were discussing the mission they had to attend. I greeted them and sat down at the table to eat my breakfast as well.

"Prepare yourself! We'll be leaving in half an hour!" Raffael said to his gang.

They got up from the table and left us alone in the kitchen. He remained silent for several minutes simply leaning against the island, staring at me.

" What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I later asked.

"Because you're extremely beautiful!" he exclaimed, making me blush.

I stood up and went to the sink to wash my plate.

"You know you have no obligation to do that, right?" he asked gently.

"I know, I'm just bored. Furthermore, it appears normal for me to wash my plate after eating or to clean up after myself!" I replied.

"So, why does Mikeyla take her money?"

"Mikeyla has been your companion since you were a child. You should be ashamed of yourself for speaking so negatively about her!"

"Whatever!" he exclaimed as he rose from the island and made his way to the kitchen door, intending to leave.

"Please, Raffael, be cautious!" I spoke softly behind him, causing him to turn his head toward me.

He didn't say anything, only nodded and walked away.

I dashed to my room and changed into a tight leather jumpsuit and boots. I threw my hair up in a bun, stowed the knife in my boots, and the gun on my waist before fleeing the room to go after Raffael. When I was certain that no one was looking, I crept into Mariano's car, knowing that Raffael would leave in his own car. I hid in the back, where no one could see me. The car came to a halt at one point, and Mariano got out. I noticed an old building when I looked around. When I was certain that everyone had entered the building, I exited the car and crept inside. It resembled an abandoned factory. I followed them, trying not to be heard or seen by hiding around every corner of the building. At one point, I noticed Raffael come to a halt, surrounded by some dubious people and followed by his men.

"So you've decided to come!" I assumed the question was directed at Raffael by the head of the opposing clan.

"I couldn't say 'no' to such a good offer!" he grinned.

"Did you bring the money?" the doubter inquired once more.

"Did you bring the stuff?" Raffael responded with another question.

"Just know you can rely on me!"

"I have no idea what to say about that!" Raffael raised an eyebrow.

"I would say, let's get to work!"

" Exactly what I was thinking!" Raffael said, pulling the gun from his waist and pointing it at the other clan, as did everyone else on his team.

Immediately, gunshots were heard, and everyone from the other clan collapsed to the ground.

"Load everything into the van!" Raffael gave the order to his team.

They were all focused on what Raffael had instructed them to do, and no one noticed one of the other clan's men hiding behind a pillar. When everyone else was gone and Raffael was alone in the hall, he crept up behind him and intended to stab him. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, before pulling my knife from my boots and severing his throat, leaving him to drown in his own blood.

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