Chapter 26

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Monique's pov

The next day, I awoke alone and in excruciating pain. I gently touched the other side of the bed, and it was cold, indicating that Raffael had awoken much earlier than me.

When my butt touched the mattress, I dragged my body along the edge of the bed, hissing in pain. I was just too sore. I hurried to the bathroom to do my business and then changed into a large summer dress, unable to wear anything that would come into contact with my butt cheeks. I went to the kitchen, starving, only to run into Mikeyla, who was doing the dishes.

"Mikeyla, good morning. Where is Raffael?" I inquired.

"Good morning, my dear. He left early this morning for Italy. Would you like some breakfast?" With her beautiful wrinkled face, she smiles warmly at me.

I suddenly felt a stone in my heart. He left without even saying "Goodbye!" AGAIN. My appetite faded as tears formed in my eyes. How could he? He knew I begged him to take me with him, and he obviously didn't want to, but he could at least say "Goodbye!" to me before he left.

"No, thanks, Mikeyla; I'm fine!" I whispered and turned to head to my room.

I burst into tears. I cried because I realized he would never treat me the way I wanted him to. He would never treat me as his woman, but rather as his whore, whom he would fuck whenever he pleased and then kick out of his life. I was enraged. I became so enraged that I began smashing everything in my room, hurling lamps against the wall, smashing my laptop into pieces on the floor, and even smashing my phone. I was roaring and screaming from the bottom of my lungs, as if it was helping me get rid of my rage. I was so enraged that I considered killing someone. I collapsed to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably, until I finally calmed my nerves and headed back to the bathroom.

"I'm not going to cry any longer for this jerk. I'm finished."

I washed my face and changed into a pair of black shorts that I barely pulled over my butt and a white tight sexy top. I strengthened my hair and applied light makeup before exiting the room, where Mariano stood at the front of my door, staring up and down at me. I brushed past him, giving him a disgusted look.

"Miss, we must begin training!" He spoke harshly.

"The only thing I'm going to do is stop listening to your boss!" I grumbled without even looking at him.

"He won't be pleased with your behavior, Miss." As I continued walking, he chuckled and shouted after me.

"He is now free to fuck himself! I don't give a fuck!" I sang the final section.

I left the house, ignoring anyone who tried to stop me. They would never touch me because they knew Raffael would kill them. I walked, but I had no idea where I was going until I decided to rest in a park. I stood there thinking about my life. On the person I became. I became obsessed with a monster who couldn't care less about me, but that had to come to an end. I needed to start as an independent woman. To begin and live for myself, not that motherfucker. That sexy, sexy motherfucker. I didn't realize I was crying until my tears tickled my cheeks. When I decided to return, it was already dark. I didn't eat anything all day, and my stomach hurt terribly. Without him, I felt completely helpless. I hated myself for being so attached to him. He abandoned me there.

"But, what do we have here?" I was surprised to hear a manly voice approaching from behind me.

I tried to ignore him and continue walking, but someone grabbed my arm and jerked me around to face him.

"Please, no!" I screamed as he wrapped his disgusting hand around my throat and drew my face closer to his.I was terrified that I knew Raffael wasn't around to save me and protect me.

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