Chapter 16

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Already one year has passed.
It's been a year since I couldn't stop thinking about Raffael.
It was quite difficult because I could only see him everywhere I went.
I could only see him no matter who I encountered.
I gave up on hurting my partner's feelings because every time I tried to have an intimate relationship with someone, I would compare it to the one I had with Raffael.
He was constantly on my mind, as though his image had been permanently inked on my brain, and it hurt so much.
Particularly considering that he didn't let me forget about him either, as I received an anonymous present on my birthday that I knew was from him, which made the pain even worse.

I was so beyond being hurt.
I had trouble sleeping at night, and I was like a zombie throughout the day.
I attempted to fill my time with a variety of things, but when the day was over and I got home, I was by myself and sobbed all night.
Because I needed the energy to survive and the coffee was no longer assisting me, I became an addict to cocaine because I was so sick of this.
Up until the day I met this person.
Anastasia, a young Russian woman.
Since the day I first met her at a pub, she has been there for me.
She tried to help me when she saw how devastated I was, but I was too intoxicated, high, and enraged to accept it, so I cursed her.
She didn't mind and insisted on driving me home instead.
I was completely perplexed when I woke up next to her because I had no memory of the prior night.

"I'm so sorry, Monique! I'm Anastasia, but I think you don't remember! We met at the bar last night." She explained with a thick Russian accent.

"Did we..." I began blushing hard.

"No...No we didn't do anything!" She giggled." I saw how fucked up you were so I decided to help you get home and in the end, you asked me to stay." She paused looking at me with pity.

"Fuck..." I hid my face from her "I'm so sorry I bothered you." I whispered trying to keep my tears.

"You didn't. What is wrong with you that you are suffering so much? Because I can see that you are not in this pose from yesterday but from a long time ago. Who hurt you so much, Monique?" she looked at me with so much pity that my tears began to roll down my cheeks.

I laughed softly before I began to speak.

"I don't know you at all, but maybe this will help me release." I bit my lower lip."One and a half years ago I met this guy..." I looked at her to confirm that she was paying attention to me, which she did mentioning for me to keep talking. "He was...Well, he IS very dangerous, he is killing people."

"Like an assassin!"

"Worse. An assassin is paid to kill, and Raffael does it for his pleasure. He is a mafia mob. Back then I was struggling with money, I mean I nearly had them from one day to another. By chance, I found this poster that said that a certain club needs a new Dj so I called and the manager told me I should go for an interview. before I could get to the manager's office I was stopped in my tracks by the most handsome and intimidating man I ever saw. Me being a lesbian, I never thought that man will be the death of me. He succeeds where no one else has ever succeeded. To get me in my pants and to make me fall head over heels in love with him. But I think I put my trust in the wrong person because one day I was gone. And the saddest thing is that I can't even remember how he did that. One year ago I woke up in this apartment and since then I don't know anything about him. But yet I can't forget about him and I want to move on, but I can't, he doesn't let me. It's s like he is stuck inside my head. I feel like I will go crazy." I was sobbing so hard unable to speak anymore.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and a sweet voice trying to make me calm down.

"It's ok, darling, calm down!"

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