Chapter 30

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"You need to eat something, my dear!"Mikeyla expressed her concern. 

"You haven't eaten anything all day. 

In fact, what nonsense am I talking about, you haven't eaten anything since Raffael arrived."

"I'm not hungry, Mikeyla; please leave me alone!" I said this without looking at her.

I felt the edge of my bed lowered and a gentle hand caress the top of my head.

"Listen to me, I know Raffael can be a beast, but all I know is that he adores you. You've known him for so long, you know exactly what he's like; you don't have to upset yourself because of him. I raised him from a young age and know what he is like, but he will never hurt you, and if he left, it wasn't because he wanted to leave you, it was because that's his job."

"You are mistaken. He doesn't love me at all, Mikeyla, and I'm just a joke to him. I'm just for fun. For his physical needs. He's been talking down to me like I'm a slave since he arrived. If he loved me as much as everyone claimed, he would not have left me, and even if he did, he would have contacted and talked to me every day. Instead, he left and did not return for nearly a year." I answered her, with tears in my eyes.

"He contacted you, but you refused to speak with him. And believe me, I believe what I'm saying. I've never seen Raffael so infatuated before. Even if you can't see it, you've changed him significantly. Why do you believe he replaced your trainer with Anais? He can't stand the thought of another man being around you."

"But he's surrounded by dozens of women every day, right? I can't say anything because he doesn't care, but he has complete control over my life. Do you think he didn't have any women around him while he was gone? Didn't he sleep with a lot of women? No, I don't believe so. I waited for him while refusing to let anyone touch me. I can't take it any longer, believe me."

"My darling, I believe you, but please be patient. Come on, eat something. I'll meet you in the kitchen," she said as she exited my room.

I was dressed in my short velvet pajamas but didn't bother changing. I entered the kitchen and saw Raffael sitting alone at the table. Mikeyla and his employees were nowhere to be found. He raised his head from his phone and looked at me through his lashes.

"And the kitten has finally shown up!" he exclaimed in his sexy thick voice.

I didn’t answer him. Mikeyla had prepared a plate of food for me, so I sat down at the table in front of it. I couldn't eat anything. I was just messing around with the food. I couldn't figure out why I had a knot in my stomach. Every time he appeared, he took my breath away.

"What's the matter, kitty cat? Aren't you hungry?" he teased me again. "Perhaps you should try something else in your mouth."

I gave him a nasty look but said nothing. I planned on giving him the silent treatment.

"Looks like the mouse ate my kitty's tongue," he said with a dark chuckle. "Come here!" he said once more, patting his lap.

I chose to ignore him.

"My beauty, don't make me come pick you up."

I ignored him yet again.

He rose from his seat and approached me from behind. He took the plate in front of me and moved it away from me, then he grabbed my throat and lifted me from the chair, leaning over the table, his cock against my ass.

"Are you going to ignore me all day? You should know by now that I can do my job even if you don't talk to me!" He whispered softly in my ear, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up.

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