Chapter 29

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It was him. Raffael had returned, but he had no idea that I was no longer the naive person he had left nearly a year ago. I didn't have to show him how much I missed him, I didn't have to let him try to take advantage of me and my soul any longer, I just had to show him that I am now a strong person and I will treat him the same way he treated me, that is, with indifference.

I changed into a short...very short dress, put on some natural makeup, and let my hair fall down my back before leaving the room and going to the kitchen where Raffael was sitting at the island and Mariano was sitting at the table eating lunch. They were talking about, I believe, other missions that needed to be completed.

When they noticed me, they both stopped talking and looked at me, stunned, but I pretended not to hear and ignored them. I opened the fridge to look for something to eat, but when there was nothing to my liking, I bent down for the bottle of juice that was placed beneath everything, causing my dress to rise and my panties to be visible. I then shut the fridge and walked over to the cupboard next to which Raffael was sitting, completely ignoring him.I filled my glass with juice and as I was about to go to the fridge to retrieve the bottle, he grabbed my wrist.

"We need to talk, Monique!" he said, his deep voice enough to turn my legs to jelly.

"No, Raffael, we don't have to do anything!" I replied and jerked away from his grasp, still minding my own business.

Mariano rose from his chair and exited the kitchen, leaving me and Raffael alone. Raffael came up behind me and grabbed my throat, the moment the kitchen door got closed.

"When did you get so bold, baby?" He asked, squeezing me even tighter, making me unable to breathe. "I've been gone for a few months, and you've grown some balls! I think you've forgotten who I am, baby, and it's about time I reminded you!"

"Go to hell!" I cursed at him breathlessly attempting to kick him between his legs once more, but the bastard blocked my foot.

I tried unsuccessfully to break free from his grasp. He was the only man I couldn't beat.

"Since when are you allowed to wear these dresses for all my people to see what's mine?" He growled in my ear.

"I said fucking go to hell and leave me alone!" I cursed at him again, and he chuckled darkly.

"We'll meet in the training room. Be a good girl and change your clothes!" He told me again and let me go, then walked out of the kitchen, leaving me alone.

I was breathing jerkily. Even the slightest touch from him made me tremble. I went to my room to change into tights and a bustier, then I went to the training room, where Raffael was waiting for me, half naked and flaunting his sexy Greek God body. I couldn't concentrate.

"If he stands like this in front of me, I won't be able to resist and will give in."

"Let's see what you're up to, baby, because I see you've got a big mouth! Let's see if you're as tough in a fight as well!" He gave me a devilish grin.

I was staring at him as if I'd never seen him before.

"Come on, baby, attack me!" he whisper mocked me with wide eyes.

I rushed up on him and attacked him, but he blocked all of my kicks.

I tried to hit him with my fists and feet, but I couldn't even get close to him. At one point, he grabbed my wrist and turned me towards him, pressing my back against his strong chest. I was sweating and panting from exhaustion, but he looked like he didnt even move a finger.

"You're not so tough anymore, are you?" Before licking my face, he chuckled darkly in my ear.

I didn't respond because my voice would betray me that I was melting from inside for him. I tried to hit him again, but he knocked me down with him on top of me. From how he was so close to me, his minty breath hit me in the face. I could feel his soft, plumb lips if I lifted my head just a little.

" I hate you!" I murmured breathlessly.

"I'm certain of it, my love!" He gave a devilish grin. "I'm sure you're not wet at all if I put my hand in your pants right now!" He said this while running his hand from my waist to the elastic of my pants, fiddling with it.

"Get off me, you beast!" I attempted to struggle but was unsuccessful.

"It appears that you require additional training, my love!" he chuckled. "I'm not sure why Mariano said you were ready to join my team, because from what I can see, I can easily beat you!"

"I told you to get off me, you jerk!"

"Or maybe I'm too good for you!" he continued, as if he hadn't already heard me still fiddling with the elastic of my pants.

I tried to get him off of me again, but when he felt me rise, he pushed against me so hard that I felt the hardness in his pants, causing me to gasp and moan.

"Fuck you!" I choked out again, causing him to grab my throat and show me that he was the one in control.

"Soon, baby! Soon, you'll fuck me so hard that you'll cry! "He said this almost touching my lips.

"I despise you! I don't want you in my life any longer! You abandoned me when I needed you the most! Raffael, how could you do this to me?"

"You will begin training with Anais tomorrow! Men are no longer permitted in your presence! You don't seem to be able to control your hormones! But don't worry, I'll take control of them soon! And don't think you'll get away with what you did to Mariano! So, if you don't want him to suffer, you should start and listen to me. You know I will never hurt you, but I can hurt others! I believe training is complete! Get into your room!" he said and stepped away from me, allowing me to stand up.

With tears in my eyes, I dashed to my room. I got into the shower and began crying. I was the same idiot as before. A damn man controls the same damn woman. And what hurt the most was how badly I wanted this damn man.

 And what hurt the most was how badly I wanted this damn man

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