Chapter 27

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Mariano told me about my mission on the way to the Neon club. I had to pretend that I wanted to work as a stripper in that club, and then I had to go through a work trial that included a private dance in a VIP room away from prying eyes. I had to dance in front of Onur, the owner of the club and one of Raffael's main enemies.But I didn't have to wait for the verdict that came after my dance because I had to carry a hidden knife with me that I had to use against Onur when he wasn't looking. I had to do it in such a way that he wouldn't notice, or else I'd get fucked. So I had to use my weapons to seduce him in the same way that I had seduced Raffael. I had to think of Raffael in front of me, but when I needed to use the knife, I had to get Raffael out of my head because otherwise I wouldn't be able to use it, which resulted in my killing myself and Mariano.

Mariano turned off the car's engine as he approached the club. I sat for a while and closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath and focus on what I needed to do.

"What will become of the others? Who will look after them?" I inquired, concerned.

"You just concentrate on what you need to do; don't worry about the others; we'll handle everything." He answered casually.

Mariano grabbed my wrist and stopped me as I nodded and tried to get out of the car.

"Monique, are you certain you're up to the task? If you don't think you can, tell me because I don't want you dead!"

"Mariano, don't forget, my dear, that I can beat you whenever I want; do you think I can't kill a damn mobster?" I gave him a seductive grin.

He laughed.

"Of course, I know you can beat me up! You can beat me up as much as you want because I let you. We're not fooling around here, Monique. This is a serious situation, and you could be killed."

"We'll never know if I'm capable of killing this jerk if you don't let go of my hand." I yanked away from his grasp.

I tried to get out of the car again, but he grabbed my hand once more. My pony tail flew into my face as I jerked my head towards him, giving him a nervous look.

"Please be careful, Monique!" he said gently, softening my gaze.

I gave my approval once more and got out of the car, walking around the building to the front. I came to a halt in front of the door and took a deep breath, attempting to concentrate while remaining as natural as possible.

I went to the reception area, where I was greeted by a small, brunette woman with a short haircut, barely clothed, and wearing far too much make-up.

" Hi!" I said it as naturally as possible.

When she looked up from her computer, she had a charming smile on her face and looked into my eyes.

"Hello there, princess! How can I assist you?"

"I'm here for the stripper job! Who can I contact for a job audition?" I returned her smile.

"Sure, give me two seconds to call the boss!" I nodded my head and waited.

I saw her dial a number and then hear a man's voice through her phone.

"Hello, Mr. Onur! There's a young lady here who wants to be a stripper! What was your name, my dear?"

"Andrea Sullivan!" I lied.

"Andreea Sullivan, sir! Should I tell her to come to your office for the interview? I understand! Yes, sir! "she said before hanging up. "Mr. Onur would like to see you in his office. Continue down the hall to the first door on the left, which is his office."

"I comprehend. Thank you a so much!" I smiled and gave her a seductive wink before turning on my heels and walking somewhere she had requested.

The club was completely empty. I wasn't surprised because it was the middle of the day, so I simply followed the receptionist's instructions. I came to a halt in front of Onur's office and took a few deep breaths. I sighed deeply before knocking on the door, to which a deep male voice responded.

"Come in!" he said emphatically, making me pause before entering.

I eventually got in by gently turning the doorknob and pretending to be as innocent as possible.

"Hello!" I said cheerfully.

Without saying anything, the bastard leaned back in his leather chair and measured me from head to toe. When his gaze was drawn to mine, he smiled devilishly, revealing his white and perfect teeth.

"What brings you here, gorgeous?" he asked later.

"I've come to get the stripper job!" I gave him a seductive smile.

"You are aware that you must administer a test, aren't you? You'll be hired if I'm satisfied." He gave me a devilish grin.

"I am aware that I must perform a private dance!"

"Not only that!" he exclaimed as he measured me from head to toe.

"What exactly do you mean?" Even though I knew what was going to happen, I asked excitedly.

"I mean, you've got to fuck me!"

"Oh my goodness, what have I gotten myself into?"

"What if I refuse?"

"Then you're free to go! You're not going to get a job!"

"Okay, you wanker! You won't even be able to touch me.Not even with one finger!"

"Ok! I agree!"

He shook his head, chuckling and muttering, "you're all the same for money," as he walked over to a closet, opened it, and pulled out a skimpy suit, which he handed to me.

"Go change and then come to VIP room number 300!"

I nodded, turned on my heel, and made my way to the changing room. I was scared because I didn't know if I'd be able to kill the bastard, but I had to concentrate as much as possible and be careful what I did and said, or else I'd leave between four boards.

After changing, I went to VIP room 300, knocked on the door, and entered to find the bastard waiting for me on a nude leather couch. When he saw me, he smiled devilishly and measured me from head to toe with his as black as night eyes.

"God, you're stunning! Even if you can't dance, I'm still going to fuck you tonight!" He said something that made me shiver.

He abruptly began playing an obscene song and motioned for me to begin moving, which I did. I began to move my hips slightly, casting seductive glances at him. I turned away from him and knelt, allowing him to admire my bulging ass, which I began to move harder and harder to the beat of the song.Onur sat on the back of the couch, biting and licking his lips as he watched me. I got down on all fours and lowered myself slightly. Then I began moving my ass provocatively once more.With one finger, Onur motioned for me to approach him, and with the other, he patted his lap, urging me to sit. I started crawling on all fours towards him and, as he instructed, I grabbed his knees with my hands and climbed onto his lap. I straddled him and began to rub against his crotch between his legs. He then grabbed my waist and squeezed me tightly, pushing me down to increase friction between my cunt and his cock. He buried his face in the hollow of my neck and began kissing and biting me, hungrily whispering dirty words in my ear.I closed my eyes and lived the moment as if the person speaking to and touching me was Raffael himself. I began to rub harder and faster against him and moan seductively. I had to admit that I was soaked. And Onur was not an ugly man; he was quite attractive.

"Keep rubbing on me, baby, just a little more and I'll be done! And then I'll fuck you!"

"I don't think so, you motherfucker!" I said, pulling out Knife and inserting it into Onur's heart.

I stabbed him furiously so many times that I lost count, leaving him to choke in his own blood and take his last breath muttering words like "You fucking bitch!". I burst out laughing as I looked into his lifeless eyes. I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't stop laughing and couldn't figure out why. I was not angry, scared, or nervous. I was... I'm not sure how I felt because I've never felt anything like it.

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