Chapter 20

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"Wasn't that what you wanted?" I
inquired, a little terrified of what he was going to say next and wanting to get off his lap, but his arm around my waist wouldn't let me.

"No, darling!" he said, sniffing my neck before sensually licking it.

"I'd like you to join me!"

"Please, Raffael, stop!" I pleaded.

"You can't make me do something I don't want to do, okay?"

"You know I can, baby! Have you forgotten about your friend?"

I was furious at myself for causing Anastasia to suffer due to my actions. I took a deep breath in an attempt to relax myself.

"Ok! I will join you on one condition! You must dismiss Anastasia and never touch her again!"I said, causing him to darkly chuckle.

"Raffael, please! If you touch her, I swear to God, I'll kill myself!"

"Okay, my crazy hot lady! I'm going to leave her alone! You have my word on it! "He said as he was releasing me.

He left the room and returned a few minutes later, smirking devilishly. My phone suddenly rang, and I examined it to see if it was Anastasia.

"Answer her!" he ordered, and I did it with trembling hands.

"H-hello?" I stammer.

"I'm sorry!" she cried. "I'm very sorry, sweetheart! You've got a monster right next to you! H-he "She was sobbing so hard that I couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Baby, calm down! Are you all right? He touched you! "I inquired, hoping to calm her down.

"No, he did not! But what I'm about to tell you will change your mind about him!"

"What exactly do you mean?"I asked, my attention now fixed on Raffael, who was piercing me with his grinning glare.

"He assassinated your father! Your father did not die as a result of a sickness! Your father worked for him until he stole from him and Raffael murdered him in cold blood! Monique, he's a monster, and he's dangerous! He knew you before you came to his club and wanted to kill you as well, but for some reason, he changed his mind!"

I didn't realize I was crying until my tears tickled my cheeks. I was taken aback. He lied to me the entire time. All this time, I was simply a toy for him, and all he wanted was vengeance. I wasn't upset that he murdered my father. He was a jerk in the first place, and he basically asked for it when he started working for this monster. I was, I was outraged that he had taken advantage of me. That he planned to kill me from the start, but instead chose to use me, to make me fall for him, and then let me know that I am nothing more than a joke to him. My blood was boiling in my veins and all I could see was red. I threw my phone toward him in anger shamelessly failing and in a second he was in front of me grabbing my throat and pulling me up in the air. I was struggling and choking, but then he smashed me against the nearest
wall hard hitting my head. My vision started to blur, my eyelids began to flutter and I instantly got dizzy, when I felt the cold concrete under my body.

I'm so sorry, my love!" was all I heard
before everything went dark.

Raffael pov

I didn't want to be so harsh with Monique, but when she threw her phone at me, meaning to strike me, all I saw was red and I lost my senses. I despise it when someone attacks me and my body quickly responds. I act like a sentry trained to kill. I must admit that I became concerned when Monique lost consciousness. I didn't plan to hurt her; I just wanted to terrify her, but my devil took over and I slammed her head against the wall. Badly. I carried her body in my arm bride style to my car so I could drive her to my house here in Miami and have my personal doctor to take care of her.

"It's not that awful!" he exclaimed after checking her. "Fortunately, she does not have a concussion, but you must allow her to recover and feed her properly because she is malnourished, which is why she collapsed. And the emotions she was experiencing heightened it! I injected her with vitamins and calcium, but she must also consume them through food!"

"Many thanks!" I whispered softly as I looked at her.

She looked gorgeous while sleeping, just like the angel she is. My gorgeous angel.

"If I'm no longer needed, sir, I'll request permission to leave!" he added, and I nodded in agreement. "Call me if anything occurs, and I'll come back!"

"OK, thanks again, Doc!" I exclaimed as I led him to the exit.

Monique pov

I awoke slowly, unable to open my eyes due to the sunlight streaming in through the window. I froze after taking a long breath off the pillow.

"This smell is familiar to me! This is not my space!"

I sprang up from the bed and ran towards the door, but as I was ready to walk out, I slammed my head into a firm chest and felt two powerful arms wrap around my tiny body.

"Baby, where are you going?" I heard a gruff voice that I was all too familiar with.

I began to fight and attempted to hit him, but I couldn't move since he had pinned me to the ground.

"Don't fucking touch me, you monster!" I yelled at him.

"Calm down, Monique!" he exclaimed calmly.

"I said, Don't touch me! I despised you! You lied to me! You made use of me! Leave me alone!"

"Monique, calm down, and I'll tell you everything!"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! What do you want to say to me, huh? More of your fucking lies? Get the fuck away from me!..Please!" I began to sob, pushing my forehead against his chest.

"Baby, look at me!" he said, touching my face, but I slapped his hands away.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm tired of you! You lied to me for a long time! You made me fall for you when all you wanted to do was take revenge on my foolish father! How is it my responsibility that my father stole from you? I had no idea he was working for you! Raffael, I was a child! A fucking little child who was orphaned at a young age as a result of you! Do you comprehend what he did to my mother? And now I understand why! But, of course, you were aware of all of this, right?" I couldn't stop myself any longer.

I yelled at him and kicked him with my fists, but he didn't stop me. He didn't say anything, but he wrapped his arms around me and patted my hair.

After a long quiet, he eventually exclaimed, "Yeah, I knew all of these! And, while I first intended to make your life a living hell, I soon discovered that you are nothing like your father! You are courageous and have a pure heart! You once asked me why I chose you over so many other gorgeous women! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, baby! And the one woman I want at my side! I love you so much that I will never let you leave my side again!"

"But I can't continue to be with you, Raffael! I'm not going to trust you again!"

"Then I'll have to tether you since you're not going anywhere!" His voice was suddenly deep and commanding, and it terrified me.

"You're not going to be able to keep me here!" I yelled, attempting to shove him away from me, but he was too strong.

"Try me!" he said and I heard from his voice that he was smiling.

"Try me!" he said and I heard from his voice that he was smiling

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