Chapter 19

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I walked out of Monique's changing room still laughing like crazy after she promised me we wouldn't fuck again. She might be rather amusing at times. She won't be able to hide from me now that I've found her. I'm not going to let it happen. Not any longer. SHE IS MINE!

I stepped outside the club, where Felix and Anais awaited me.

"So...where has she gone?"

"She is not here! She no longer wants to see me!"

"So, what's next? Are you going to return to Spain or...?"

"Are you sure you remember me from yesterday, Felix?"I yelled at him.

"She'll join me! If she doesn't want to, I'll force her, but she won't like how I force her!" I responded by blowing smoke from my cigarette.

"I don't want to insult you, but don't you think you've wounded her enough?" Anais inquired, mockingly.

I wrenched my head toward her, my rage increasing, and flashed her one of my death stares. How could she have used that tone with me?

"First of all, do you have a death wish by using that tone with me? Second:How many times has Felix hurt you, Anais?"

"Many!" she exclaimed gently.

"And where have you gone now?"

"Right next to him!"

"Then mind your own fucking business!"

Monique's pov

After the discussion with Raffael, I remained quiet for a few minutes, trying to regain my breath.

I requested him to leave me alone because there was nothing left between us, or so I thought.

He told me... no, he promised me that it wouldn't be the last time he touched me, whether I liked it or not, and deep down I knew he wouldn't give up, but I was determined not to fall into his trap again.

After a few days, I had begun to believe that I had escaped Raffael and that he would leave me alone to live my life. But I believe I misjudged him.

Anastasia's buddy wanted to throw a party at his house, and I was, of course, invited. I didn't have to spend much time deciding what to wear because it was a pool party. I wore a white swimsuit with thongs and a lovely beach dress in the same color on top. I let my hair down and put on some natural make-up, knowing that I wouldn't get in the pool but would instead sit on the side.

When I arrived at the address Anastasia had sent me, I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. A little old woman answered the door after a few seconds, and I figured she was the housekeeper. I opened my lips to say "Hello!" and introduce myself, but she took the lead.

"This way, my sweetheart!" she exclaimed, her face softly smiling.

I nodded and followed her to the backyard, where there was a large pool surrounded by dozens of people.

"This person must be really popular!" I thought as I scanned the surrounding area.

"The bar is over there!" she exclaimed, pointing to the location of the bar.

I said a "Thank you!" before she turned and walked back inside the house.

"Hello, beautiful!

Are you looking for someone?"

I heard a low familiar voice approaching me from behind.

When I realized who was behind the voice, I almost jumped into the water.

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