Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"What's the problem?" I asked Faye as she carefully placed the ID back into the wallet. It seemed like she knew the man, maybe more than that as her expression was quite loud.

Shocked covered her face and then fear lingered in her eyes as she placed the wallet back on the table. "You stole this?" She asked again, as if I wasn't clear the first time. I nodded my head, waiting for her to continue. Her voice lowered and her words became a whisper, "Remember when I told you about the cult I am in?"

My eyes clicked away and I stared at the brown wall to my side while a few thoughts crossed my mind. Crinkles appeared on my forehead as I furrowed my brows and remembered the time Faye had told me about this cult that her family and she belonged to. It was a long while ago. We had been friends since we were children and in second grade, she took me to a corner and told me about the cult her family was in.

It was called the Wolf Creed.

I didn't remember much except for a few details. They had different religious beliefs and being in the cult gave them duties and tasks to fulfill every month. Faye and her entire family usually disappeared at the fifteen or sixteenth day of the month, sometimes earlier and sometimes later but they were all gone.

It was certainly odd but I never questioned it as she bought up in the cult and I had nothing to do with it. It was her family and her other life. I wasn't bothered with it. There were cults everywhere around in the world.

"Oh, yeah, you told me about that cult that's not a cult but you call it a cult, right?" I spoke to her after a moment, figuring out what she had meant.

Recently, a couple of months ago, she told me it wasn't a cult but instead it was something else but she couldn't tell me what it was as they all lived in secrecy and sharing information with someone from outside the cult would be dangerous for them.

"Yes, exactly that!" She laughed with me for a moment before the horror appeared on her face again. "Well, like every cult, we have a leader—someone who controls everything and well, I don't know how to say this to you but you stole from that man. This wallet belongs to the leader."

A chill ran through my blood, though I was unaffected from the outside. "So?" I shrugged, still in confusion of what she had been trying to say.

"Simple words, Bek. He's very, very, very dangerous!" She stated, raising her voice. "And you should probably start packing and looking elsewhere to live."

I threw my head back and chuckled, "You're not serious, aren't you?" It wouldn't be the first time Faye would have joked with me on a serious matter. She had great humor and I always enjoyed it.

"I'm not joking, Bek." Her lips lined straight and she looked dead into my eyes.

"Oh..." I trailed off while silencing my chuckles down. Wait. She wasn't joking. Did that mean I was in trouble? "I don't think so it's that great of a deal. I mean, he didn't even look at me so he doesn't knows who I am."

"He smelled you. That's far more than enough."

"I'm sure he didn't even do that because the pepper spray probably fucked up his all senses." I reminded her of what I had done.

"That's good. So, he doesn't knows you." Faye smiled at last. The fear was finally worn off from her face. She grabbed the wallet and clutched on it. "I'm give this to someone and he'll return it back to him so there is nothing to worry about!" She exclaimed, a hint of excitement in her tone.


"There wasn't much inside. Just a couple hundred." I shrugged, easing the tension she had bought me in. There was truly nothing to worry about. "But are you sure you can do it? I'll just throw it somewhere. It's easier." I suggested.

"No!" Her eyes widened. "You can't throw it. It's fine. I know someone who can get this to him without any questions. Just don't tell this to anyone nor mention his name anywhere. You don't want to get tracked by him." There was a warning in her words, a strict one.

Faye was never serious in anything but watching her tighten up today and get all concerned was a new look. It made me suspicious about the cult talks we had before as children. "Who is this man?" I asked her again.

"You don't need to know, Bek. It's better if you don't." She murmured, her words barely reaching my ears.

Either way, I nodded and we closed the chapter then and there. We sat with each other for a while in the coffee shop, talking about everything except for the man and the cult she supposedly belonged to. I didn't think about the man, the wallet or the money anymore. After finishing our drinks, we left the cafe and Faye headed downtown to drop off the wallet to someone she knew while I returned into the subway to go back home.

As I waited at the station for the train, my phone began ringing. I glanced at it, finding Adam calling me. I cut the call and rolled my eyes but my phone rang again and again. It didn't stop, not even when I cut the call three times. He repeatedly called me as if I was still his girlfriend.

Grunting out loud, I picked up his fourth call and slammed my phone against my ears. "What, Adam?" I snapped.

There was silence, lasting a whole minute. My heart thudded and I waited to hear his voice. Was everything well? "I need you to come here, Rebekah. As fast as you can. Come here." He stuttered on his words and said slowly.

I opened my mouth to ask him why but the line went dead before I could even say anything. My throat tightened and I wrapped my fingers around my phone while looking around myself. Something was wrong. Adam couldn't just call me like that. He barely even ever called me. It was usual of me to call him first, beg for his time and his attention, even after the breakup.

As his words registered in my head, I called him back and waited for him to pick. He didn't. I called him again and he didn't.

I hopped onto the next train heading to his area and waited while imaging the worst. Could he be hurt? Was he dying? Did he get sick? Did he overdose on something?

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