Chapter 38

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Anna's P.O.V

I didn't really plan on kissing Sab tonight, i didn't wanna let her assume knowing the fact that im inlove Eva.

Seeing Eva and Conner being all lovey dovey makes me want to tear out my skin. It was just too much for me to handle, it hurts so fucking much. I know Eva's just playing me im not that dumb. All her actions was just to play with me, and it just makes me think how this is just a game for her. How us will never work. Especially with how nervous she looked when Conner asked that question. Even if she were to love me in the future i know she's not ready to be called gay.

With all that alcohol on my system it just made me more impulsive and emotional. When she denied kissing me infront of everyone i just thought fuck it, i just went rogue. I didn't even have the chance to control myself, i was just so pissed and hurt. When i saw the opportunity to kiss Sab i just took it. I didnt care if it would piss off Eva i just knew i have to ease the pain im feeling. To let her feel the pain im feeling. When she went to the bathroom i knew it was not wise to follow her, but i did anyways. I had to let her know that I'm not on board with what she's doing, this little game she's playing is gonna be the death of me.

"For tonight. I'm all yours baby." Eva whispered. I smirked before kissing her back as she curled her arms on my shoulders. I slowly trail wet kisses from her jaw to her neck before giving it a long lick to her ear making her moan lowly. Now thats a sound i can play repeatedly everyday. I slowly suck on her neck and massaging it with my tongue.

"What the fuck?" She pushed me away before looking in the mirror. She turned to look at me furiously as she ran her hands through her smooth hair. I looked at with a confused eyes as i asked what's wrong.

"Im didn't mean to be so harsh. But please don't leave a hickey." She laughed as she went near me and kiss my lips as a sorry. Of course she doesn't want one she has a boyfriend for gods sake. I rolled my eyes before pushing her away slowly.

"I just thought for one night you could be mine. Guess not." I said as i sighed with a pissed off expression. What have you become Anna really going behind your friends back just cause you love someone. Thats a sentence i never thought I'd say.

"I-.... i didn't mean to say it like that. I just got caught on the moment im sorry, and besides we're just having fun right." She justified. I frowned slowly getting mad at her lame excuses again, but before i lash out i just inhaled. Trying to calm down my temper.

"You know what it's alright. I j came to fetch you maybe they're finding us." I said with a blank expression. She sighed before pulling me in for a kiss last time. My face remained stoic before leaving her in the bathroom alone like what she did to me the first time.

"Where's Eva?" Conner eyed me suspiciously.

"Your girlfriend is still taking a shit. Now go handle her." I said calmly before heading to Sab.

"Hey guys im gonna go. Something came up." I informed them before grabbing my stuff. Karina, Katie, and Rachel all looked at it each other worry spread all over their face.

"Ayo you good? You're not gonna say bye to Eva she's gonna get mad again." Karina said to me lowly. I just shrugged and gave them a tight lipped smile.

"Bae im leaving hangsoon?" I asked Sab. She nodded before giving me a kiss on my lips which caught me by suprise. I chuckled before hugging her and head straight to my car.

I sighed as i stare at nowhere. Fuck! I punched the steering wheel as i clenched my jaw in anger. Just get your ass out of this house Anna.

Anna's P.O.V

Eva and I didnt spoke the entire weekend. I mean she did message me if we could hang out or if she could go to my house, but i refused. I just can't face her she'll probably think im being sensitive or something. We both knew what were doing is simply just for fun, i mean for her atleast, but i knew what i was getting into. I showed my emotions to clearly last night and im afraid Eva's gonna decide to put some space between us just because of what happened. And i don't want that, i really don't. But deep down i know it's what i need, at some point i have to be the one who puts the space between us. I dont care if seeing her with Conner hurts me just as long as i find a way to be happy without her expense then i guess im fine.

It was already monday and the nerves was getting into me. I have to see Eva today and i have no choice, the hardest thing is i have to act normal. I cleaned myself up and took a shower to get me to my senses and decided to wear a sweater vest with some flaired jeans with it.

I drove myself to school and just as soon i stepped out of my car Eva was already infront of me.

"Holy jesus!" I screamed in suprise. What the fuck is she doing here. I scoffed.

"Why are you avoiding me huh?" Eva replied. I didn't reply and just walked past her. I'm really not in the mood for this bullshit.

"Are you gonna tell me or do you want me to scratch your car." Eva said with an attitude. What in the fuck. I close my eyes in annoyance before facing her.

"Why are you bothering me. You have a boyfriend remember." I scoffed. Eva laughed sarcastically making me even more infuriated. Is there something funny, do i have something on my face. Gosh. I checked my face in my cars window before facing her again.

"Is that why you're so pissed? Anna, you and I are just playing around why are you so butt hurt jeez." Eva said making me feel every inch of my heart tear apart. Why am i hurt? Did she really have the nerve to say that?. After all I've done for her, does she really not think of being sensitive. I've let her use me in any ways she can. If she wants a friends, im there. If she wants a fuck buddy, im there. Hell even if i have save her from a gun shot , i would. Ive dropped everything for her and now she's asking that. This is literally clown shit. I bit the inside of cheeks to lessen the pain in my chest, but unfortunately it didnt work.

"Then let's stop everything this is! This playshow let's stop it!" I yelled in whisper. I dont even know what led me to say that but i guess its for my own good. Eva looked at me shocked. She tried to reach my hand but i distanced myself right away.

"I didn't mean it like th-." She chorus. Regret spread all over her face as she tug on my sleeves. I clenched my jaw before pulling away.

"Just go." I said emotionless. I was feeling so numb in the first time in my entire life. I felt so unimportant like a plastic wrap thrown away since I've served my purpose. Who am i to hope that she likes me. She's Eva fucking Cudmore for fucks sake. All she does is cause people to go crazy for her, sadly i fell for it. I walked away for the second time, reaching my phone to dial Sab.

"Hey you down to skip class?" I spoke on the phone. As i fiddle with the hem of my sweater.

"Who am i to say no. Pick me up at the gate." Sab answered before ending the call. I smiled in delight as i drove away. Maybe Sab's not a bad choice.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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