Chapter 19

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I heaved a sigh as i went to the bar and pour myself some tequila. I sat at the stool as i down my drink the shot in one go. I hissed as the strong smell and taste engulfs my body.

I pour myself another one and down it again in one go. Fuck i already feel quite dizzy. You're so fucking dumb Eva why did you kiss back. At this point i think Anna like me even just a little bit, but i want her to forget about that, it'll never be possible. Just for the sake of our friendship, i hope she stops. Besides i already have Conner in a lock down why would i ruin that.

I gazed my eyes through the sea of drunk teenagers dancing and grinding at each other like there is no tomorrow, the way they danced they're sorrow away makes me envy them in some way.

As my eyes travel through the crowd i saw Anna and Sab already eating each other's faces in the corner. I downed a tequila shot again trying to make everything seem fine when in the inside my emotions is all over the place. That's good atleast she could forget what happened in the bathroom and i would too. I love Anna as much as i love my other friends and i don't want to hurt her... no i wouldn't dare.

Eva's P.O.V

As the night gets late the more the party became wild. Most of the people we're already drunk and out of their minds. Some was puking outside and some were already in the pool. I however, was just at the corner drinking my homemade cocktail using some coke and some vodka. My conciousness is not something to be proud of,  i can't even focus my eyes on one thing cause im so dizzy.

I smiled as i see a stumbling Rachel approaching me.

"Eva there you are! Eva you gotta stop Karina and Katie." Rachel said she seemed like she was drunk, I'm impressed that she got to form that sentence correctly. I chuckled lowly and came with Rachel as she guide us both to where Katie and Karina is.

As we arrived on the living room, people were cheering loudly while looking at the ping pong table. As i bump people to pry my way into the front to know what the commotion is all about. I see Katie and Karina about to do a body of each other.

What the actual fuck. I smiled as i laugh mentally. I lazily pull my phone out as i take a sip of my drink. I chuckled as i point the camera into their direction.

"Eva! What the hell are you doing stop them." Rachel said as she shake my body. I laughed even more as i bite the corner of my cup as i try to record with both of my hands.

"It's a party Rachel let them enjoy their time and the people here wants a show. Let them give it to them." I struggled to speak but fortunately Rachel understood and just get my drink from my mouth and let me record properly.

People cheered as Karina put salt just bellow Katie's belly button and put the  tequila shot on Katie's stomach. She slowly drizzled the lemon juice on Katie's abs to her neck. At this point people were already so loud i think my ears are broken.

Karina straddled Katie's leg and lick the salt bellow Katie's stomach and continue to down the drink. Katie was drunk out of her mind she was just laughing as she watched Karina do her thing. Karina bent down again, slowly licked of the lemon juice on Katies abs up to her neck.

Rachel hands was already on her head as she stress fully massaged her forehead. I laughed and cheered as i stop the recording and put my phone on my pocket.

The people we're clapping and cheering loudly as they chant Karina and Katie's name. Of course being Karina and Katie extra self, they stood up the table and bow down to the people as if like they performed a big performance.

As soon as the crowd calmed down and the fun was done i slowly slid out of the crowd and got outside of the house. I put my hands on my pocket as i slowly walked through the lawn and sat at the bench as the music from the house became muffled. Finally i could relax for a bit. I bet Anna and Sab are already fucking at this moment. I scoffed and shake my head as i chuckle cynically by the thought of it.

"You looked stress you want some?" I hear a voice say.

Ayo hi guys I'm just gonna release this cause i have some homeworks to do and i might be busy so i might not update tomorrow :(

Thank you for 4k reads tho! I hope you guys are liking it.

Edit: hi guys i think almost all of yall knows about Eva's live. It actually depends to yall if yall want me to continue or not. Ill choose a appropriate plot for the girls and for you guys. I respect and love them so much and i wouldn't want them to be weirded out. This ship is for fun. So let me know what you guys think.

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