Chapter 24

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Anna's P.O.V

I woke up with the worse hangover I've ever felt in months. My head was throbbing and my body was aching especially my right knuckle. I exhaled in embarrassment as the happenings from last night came rushing back. Oh my gosh Anna you messed up big time.

I looked at Eva, still deep asleep with her mouth slightly parted. My heart picked up as i look at every detail of her face, from her lashes down to her nose and to her plump lips. The same lips that I've kissed last night.

How could someone be that beautiful? It came to point wherein everytime i look at her my chest feels like it's being squished. Everytime her eyes meets mine there is this peculiar feeling that i couldn't explain, it's a feeling I've never felt before. How could i know a feeling that i don't even know existed... that thought scares the living shit out of me. When i saw her kissed Conner last night, the feeling i felt was so overbearing. My so long pent up anger and frustration came rushing back, making me act out. When Eva dragged us both into the bathroom my intoxicated mind said things that should've been said, and actions that shouldn't been done. I regretted doing it.... i regretted kissing her. Cause the moment she said those words was also the moment where i felt like i was being crushed on the ground. The feeling of being left in that cold bathroom felt lonely. It was the moment wherein i felt reality hitting me in the face. Reality where Eva and i is impossible.

I groaned and moaned as my head starts to throb again disrupting my thoughts. I massaged my temples while closing my eyes attempting to lessen the excruciating pain in my head. Ugh holy.....this shit hurts.

"Goodmorning drunktard." Eva said with a hint of teasing in her voice. Anddd we are back on the cycle guys. Fight then act like it was nothing, great.

"Did i wake you? I'm sorry my head feels like shit." I apologetically stated. She chuckled as she shake her head in reassurance.

"Wait here I'm gonna get you some tylenol and water." Eva said as she slowly got out of the bed and stretched her body.

"Wait here okay." She goofily said and shake my hair. I nodded slowly, my head still throbbing. Gosh i feel like I'm going to have a fever.

Not long after she went down, i decided to follow her since i was starting to get bored waiting in my room.

My eyes widened as my eyes scan through the house. Red cups were everywhere and there is some traces of puke is in the floor. Some of the snacks were also smudged in the carpet. Holy did Satan trashed this house? God i gotta call the cleaning service right now.

Not so long after i took the tylenol Eva prepared for me. The most unexpected arrival of my parents happened.... they were kinda pissed, no pissed would be an understatement they were fuming mad. The girls didn't got to stay for some breakie cause my parents already had enough stress in their morning.

I stayed at my room the whole time the cleaning service was cleaning downstairs. I don't wanna get scolded again, shit I'm not that dumb. Parents really like to scold you if they see you in their line of sight. So imma play smart and be invisible. Bitch im a ghost what are you talking about.

I was just chilling on my bed until someone texted me.

Eva my bebe 🤝

Eva: hey are you good? Does your head still hurt?

Me: nahhh it's good.

Eva: that's cool so uhh hangout with Katie and i here in my house???

Shit i don't want too. Eva literally mastered how to act like there is nothing wrong with the both of us. How could she act so nonchalantly? Anyways i need to think, Anna think of an excuse you're really good at that........... Sab right... i could use Sab.

Me: shit i actually planned a thing with sab this afternoon :/

Eva: ohh that's completely cool. Enjoy ur time boon. Stay safe <3

I let go of the breath i didn't even know i was holding. I slowly set down my phone on my side table as i hug my pillow out of instinct.

"Ahhh!" I yelled into my pillow out of nervousness. Well that kinda helped. I heaved a sigh as i lay down on my bed with my arms spread out completely relaxed. What can i do today? Should i really hang out with Sab she does seem cool.... but you completely ditched her Anna.

•~•~•~• FB •~•~•~•

After the shit show that happened in the bathroom. I immediately was on the run to find a substitute, i know that sounds shitty but i need a replacement to cope up with the events that has happened, cause this was the first time I've ever experienced this. The way my heart clenched tightly as i think about what happened.... the touch.. the kiss.. the words....

If all of you don't know me before. Hi I'm Anna Shumate and i don't know how to love someone or maybe i am afraid to love someone, it terrifies the living hell out of me. I've experienced how to be love and i know what it does to people. It makes them stupid, it makes them do things that they don't wanna do, it makes them change into a person that is completely different. It makes them weak. During the time when i was with Ag, i knew that i treated her like she was just another meal on my day. I'm not proud of it in any context but it disgust me how she was willing to stay even though she was completely aware of how bad i was treating her. That made me open my eyes on how terrifying love is..... I don't wanna be trapped in a chainless cage.

My thoughts we're wild, i don't even know where the hell I'm going. Just as i was about to go outside our backyard. I saw Eva on the mini bar downing some shots. She really shouldn't be drinking that i was about to take the leap and approach her , i coincidentally bumped into Sab. I guess my lady luck said no. If they say to leave her alone, then i will. Maybe it'll give both of us some peace of mind.

"Hey nice to see you agai-" I cutted Sab off with a kiss as i pin her waist to the glass door.

I moved my lips trying to match her movement as my hand sneaked on the back of her neck. The moment she grabbed my neck, Eva immediately came to my mind disrupting my actions.That didn't give me the feeling i wanted to feel. I need to get her off my mind just for fucking thirty seconds God! Is it really that hard.

"That was quick." Sab exclaimed as her hands rest on my shoulder. Her face still suprised, she probably didn't expect me to kiss her. I mean who would randomly kiss someone when they're speaking? Gosh im doing everything wrong tonight.

"I- I'm sorry...uhm i didn't mean to kiss you so abruptly." I timidly said in panic as i awkwardly take a step back. I looked back at where Eva sat last time expecting to see her drinking her homemade cocktail, just to see the stool occupied by a person i don't know. My dizzy ass brain is not helping either.

"Excuse me." I exclaimed as i left her in the crowd as i stumble my way out of my front door. Nothing well is actually going for me right now. My head is so dizzy everytime i move my head, my vision becomes delayed in some type of way.

Shit would she still hangout with me? I mean she seems cool and all maybe she would be down for a coffee or something. Atleast try to distract yourself Anna..... fine.


Me: Ayo i know i kinda left in a awkward time last night lmaooo but you down for a coffee?

I nervously sent my text as i wait for a reply back anxiously. Oh my god is she busy? What's taking her so long. I waited for about seven minutes until my phone vibrated.

Sab: you mean now??
Me: yeah if ur free.
Sab: sure.
Me: aight cool j send me ur address ill pick u up :)
Sab: here ya go xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx.

I released a satisfied sigh and immediately ran my ass into the bathroom. Maybe this will be a good enough distraction for the day.

Damn this chapter was kinda hard to write idk i kept getting stuck and i changed it a lot of times cause it was too messy lmao. Anyways enjoy this kinda long chapter guys!

Edit: finally posted can y'all comment if its in the right placement? I can't decipher if its in the right placement even if if im reading mode :(

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