Chapter 11

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Anna's P.O.V

"I don't know are we?" I asked lowly as i took another step closer towards her, her breath hitched as her back meet the cold wall on her back.

"Answer me. Are we?" I asked again putting my hand on her tiny waist. She closed her eyes as she kept her mouth shut.

"Why are you nervous? Hmm?" I asked as i let my nose touch her's making her open her eyes looking straight at mine.

"Cause this is weird." She said nervously. I smirked as i realized that i have control of the situation now.

She slowly snaked her arms on my neck making me feel relaxed at how it felt. "How is this weird? This is fun." I asked as I closed my eyes and put my forehead into her's. She looked up to me making me look at her at the process. "This, what you're doing is weird." She said frustratingly as she fidget her feet.

I leaned in making my nose touch her's. I looked at her plump lips, the plump lips that i want to kiss so bad. My eyes went to her's seeing that she is also looking at mine. I bit my bottom lip leaning in to kiss her cause who the fuck cares. My hand on her hips tightened as i went closer to her lips......

"Anna! Eva! Are y'all in here?!" Katie's voice rang in the entire room. Eva immediately got out of my grip and grabbed my towel to cover her body. I sigh as i leaned my arms on the walls. Katie i love you but your timing is shit.
I limp as i try to hide on a locker shelf.

"I'm naked in here Katie don't come near." I yelled as i grabbed my clothes.

"Yeah she's changing... don't come near." Eva said as she slowly palmed her forehead. She dried herself with my towel and changed back to her clothes. My gaze linger at her as i think about what almost happened earlier. You almost broke the friendship Anna keep looking forward.

My thoughts got interrupted as she threw my towel to me. I whispered a thank you and got changed in my spare clothing.

"Can anyone help me my knee hurts." I whined pulling out my pout to soften them.

"Katie assist her. Give me your bag it's heavy." Eva stated she still seem shocked and stuck at what happened earlier. She slowly grabbed my bag from my shoulder and Katie immediately assist me by putting my arms on her shoulder.

"Damn what the fuck happened to you?" Katie asked as we walk outside the locker room. I smiled bitterly and said "Some bitch on tryouts played dirty. She even said that i deserved it like bro?" I complained as i feel the anger built up inside me.

"Do you know this person?" Eva asked with a serious face, Katie seems to know what's up and stayed silent. "No i didn't know her." I answered. Katie then whispered in my ear "She is gonna kill that girl i tell you." Katie giggled. Eva's expression was deadly even i got kinda scared.

We reached the bench where the coach was sitting. Katie slowly set me down the bench as i hince in pain. Eva sat beside me while watching the game. I smiled as she scoot closer to me and silently watch the game.

"Coach what's the score." I asked politely as i iced my knee. The coach smiled and said "4 to 2, your team is leading." I smiled as i heard the great news. "I like to watch the game but i don't understand it." Katie randomly butt in in our conversation making all of us laugh.

"Who do you think is gonna make the team coach?" I asked knowing damn well im gonna be accepted. Eva and Katie is just sitting waiting for me to be done with this. So i just wanna be straight up with her. She smirked as she see through my confidence.

"Of course you're in Shumate if that's what you want to hear." Coach smirked as i extend my right arm, she received my hand in a handshake.

"To more games with you coach." I laughed as i shook her hand making her laugh aswell. As the laughter die down we decided to head out since i already got the answer i wanted.

"Anna where's the girl who tackled you." Eva asked as we were walking through the field. I gave her a cautious look cause i don't know what she's capable off but that bitch deserve it anyways.

"Number 13." I said as i pointed my finger straight to the girl who tackled me. She hummed as she slowly nod as a response. Katie laughed beside me making me look at her ridiculously.

"What are you laughing at?" I chuckled as i whispered in her ear. She chuckled and said "Eva for sure is gonna destroy that girl. No one hurts her friends." I nodded lowkey scared that she is gonna do something bad.


Hi guys! I got like 12 chapters in my draft just let me know if y'all want it posted!

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