Chapter 35

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Anna's P.O.V

I walked through the hallway, heading straight to the cafeteria since that's where they usually hangout before going straight to their classroom. I looked at the cafeteria, my eyes searching for the girls while i hold my redbull and Eva's pink drink in both of my hands. I eventually found them and decides to sneak on Eva since she is facing the opposite direction on where I'm from.

"Hey bae. Good morning guys." I said joyfully before i hug Eva from the behind as a greeting. Damn maam Eva looks so good with that nirvana top on, how!? I smiled unconsciously as my heart starts to pound, ugh here we go again.

"Hey." Eva leaned back and snuggled into my arms. I grinned as i squeezed her a bit before letting go. I hugged the girls as well cause who doesn't hug their homies. They gladly hugged me back as they chuckle at my actions.

"Noticed anything?" I asked as i give her her starbucks drink. She celebrated excitedly as she took the drink out of my hand, checking if i got her drink right. Bruh why would you need to check you literally ordered that shit a thousand times in front of me.

"Bruh why are you checking, im sure i got it right." I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Conner got it wrong the last time he got it for me. Just checking." She said as she took a sip of the drink. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, bruh of course he would get it wrong. He don't like you like i do.

"I love the perfume." Eva said as she smirked raising her drink at me for her recognition. I chuckled at her ridiculousness saying a thank you jokingly.

"Hey babe." Conner said as he sneaked his hands down Eva waist and kissing her on the lips. I turned my head before seeing them kiss out of reflex, it's like your body reacted to it immediately to protect yourself from what you might feel if you did see it. Not seeing it already feels so fucking bad, if i get to see it i might be dying here right now.

I took a deep breath trying to lessen the pain on my heart right. I want to fucking blow up but i have to endure it, just for five minutes. Breath Anna, Calm down. I pursed my lips before turning to the girls. I saw Eva take a look at me in my peripheral view. Ugh fuck off Conner you just have to ruin everything.

"You good?" Karina asked as she looked at me worriedly. I look at her with a ridiculous expression, trying to hide my pain.

"Yeah, why would i be not?" I said my tone set jokingly as i smile a bit. Karina raised her eyebrows as she pursed her lips, mumbling a unsure okay. I shake my head at her reaction, my eyes accidentally glancing into Eva and Conner lowkey cuddling in the corner of my eyes.

Right in front of my eyes, cool Eva. I heaved a quiet sigh before looking away and closing my eyes as i try to think about happy thoughts. That didn't work cause when i think about happy thought all i think about is Eva. Everything just comes back to Eva doesn't it.

Eva and I didn't talk for the rest of the morning cause Connor is just so freaking clingy man, I'm not even exaggerating. He literally won't leave Eva alone even just for five fucking seconds.

Lunch came eventually, glad that atleast i could be around Eva even though Conner is there i don't fucking care. Imma try not to be bothered too much. I walked out the classroom heading straight to cafeteria, slowly watching my foot go one foot of the other. Other students looked at me admiringly. Hmph i love the attention guys, if this happened last year i would literally take advantage of it, i mean it did and that's why i try to be better. Eva stopped me from fucking around, it's crazy cause I feel like i have to be loyal to someone that isn't even mine. That's clown shit right there.

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