XLVII - Guess Who's Back

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"I am driving!" I shout, grabbing the keys. "And none of you are coming." I point a finger, slowly scanning over everyone.

I run out the door before anyone can say a word. I'm so ready to see Taylor. I miss her so much.


"TAYLOR!" I squeal, pulling her into a hug the second she gets off the bus.

"Y/n!" She forces out while being squeezed.

"Sorry," I let go. "I've been dying to talk to you. A lot has happened." I say with wide eyes.

"Oh, I bet. Ms. DoIMakeYouNervous." She laughs and shoves my shoulder.

A blush creeps up on my face.

"Not to brag but I've been team (insert cute ship-name for Y/n and Jeremiah) sine before anyone saw it coming." She flips her hair.

"What?" I laugh.

"I'll tell you in the car, these bags are heavy." She whines.

During the ride home she tells me about the time I helped Jere fix his car and how that's what set her on the (ship-name) path. 

Jesus, I remember wanting to shove his face in the engine. I don't know how Taylor got second-hand butterflies.

We're home quick, Belly meets us at the door.

Taylor's gonna be my partner this year and Cam's gonna be with Belly.

The Fisher boys get to be cheerleaders this year.

Belly and Taylor hug and catch up for a few seconds before Taylor turns around, "Where's my team shirt?" She accuses.

"Upstairs, with mine. Let's go!" I smile and grab her hand.

We run up to my room and put on "Team Y/n" shirts.

"Okay, spill. You guys hated each other and now..." She smiles.

"And, now.. we don't." I say shyly with a blush.

"Mhm, and how are things going?" She asks.

I nod silently.

"Okay, but how are things-" She curls one hand up into a ball and pokes a finger from her other hand through, "going."


"Ew, Taylor, no. I'm waiting, you know that." I say.

"When." She whines. "You're like a nun."

"Waiting until I'm a legal adult, and preferably my partner is too, does not make me a nun!" I laugh.

"Boring." She jokes.

"Put on your sunscreen." I deflect and shove it over to her.


Everyone's warming up for the big tournament. Taylor and I are working on our calls and spikes. Her and I have always had passing down, we just know each other so well that it's easy to read the body language used.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you all for coming to this year's volleyball tournament of 'Play It Forward'!" Susannah says into the mic. Everyone shouts and cheer in excitement.

She goes on to explain how it will all be for charity and how the games will be set up.

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