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Thomas was enjoying a drink with the others when he heard chopper blades. Instantly his head raised up and he saw choppers ascending high above them, missiles armed. "Incoming!"

He shouted. He pushed Newt and Minho to the ground as they heard the sounds of 'banging' and 'booming' and 'blasting'. All around, the once peaceful campsite had become a battlefield of explosions and bombing. They looked up and saw soldiers from the choppers descending down to them with cables, rifles with electric shockers ready.

"We're under attack!" cried Amelia. "Everyone arm yourselves!" She found a box and threw guns and rifles at them. "Whoever isn't WICKED, fire!" 

"Chuck, get to shelter," Thomas implored.

"But I..."

"Just go!"

Chuck hid behind some crate. He wanted to fight but his friends deemed him too young to even hold an actual weapon. 

As he fired at the soldiers who struck down the Right Arm members one by one with their shockers, Thomas stared around and tried to find his brother. "Where's Edward?!"

No one answered. He became worried. Newt clasped his hand as they crouched together. "I'm sure he's all right," 

"Guys duck!" shouted Sonya. 

The boys ducked and she shot a bullet at a soldier just behind them. 

"I'm running low," said Jorge. 

"There are three more crates of ammunition just up there," Amelia pointed up. 

Jorge jogged up. Brenda joined in. 

"Go with them!" Newt urged Thomas.

"No I can't...."

"We'll be fine,"

Thomas could see how stubborn he was but Newt gave him an affectionate pat on the shoulder. "Go,"

At that, he nodded and he jogged up to help Jorge and Brenda get the extra ammunition. They opened the crates and found more weapons. They tossed them down below to their friends. Jorge gave them a shot from his position taking out more shoulders but a group of trucks approached them. Thomas could just see an electric grenade about to be thrown by a soldier. 

"Guys look out!" he shouted. It was too late. The moment the grenade landed in the centre of the party, bolts of electricity shook the ground and they were all knocked down. 

"No!" Thomas tried to run down to save them, to save Newt but Jorge pulled him behind the boxes. He watched helplessly as they were all dragged away towards the main chopper that was landed on the outskirts of the now nearly-destroyed camp. He saw Mary being dragged forward by WICKED soldiers, Amelia lashing at them to let her go. 

"There's nothing you can," said Jorge sadly. 

Thomas breathed in and out slowly, tears threatening to fall as he watched nearly everyone he cared about being dragged forward to be taken away into custody. Newt especially. As he saw his boyfriend again, determination painted his features. "Take care of my brother," he said.

"What? No!" Brenda grabbed his hand.

"Just find Edward and get out of here," he begged. "I can't leave without them," Thomas breathed hoarsely. "Without him,"

The pair knew exactly who he was talking about.

"You really think he'd want you captured with him?" Jorge asked.

"I can't lose him again. Get Edward and get out of here," Before the pair could stop him, Thomas left them to join his dear friends and his boyfriend. 

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