Chapter 8: Too much heat

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Carina's POV*.
I was cooking dinner while watching over the girls who were playing outside. I was just about to lower the temperature of the flames when I got a notification on my phone, it stated be aware of the major heat advisory in the area. I went to the yard and ordered the girls to come back inside, in which they did. I poured them all some water and gave them some fruit to snack on, Maya should be make home in a bit since her shift is ending soon. Masha and Kelvin were both at the studio, they had tons of private lessons to teach, on top of practicing for the upcoming competition. I made sure the table was set before serving the girls, then the rest of us. I covered Masha and Kelvin's food before putting it in the microwave. I cleaned the dishes and then Maya was back home and into my arms. We kissed, Maya "how were the girls today", Carina "they were good", Maya "what about Kingston", Carina "that boy is in his own world. Wanna sleep half of the day and the rest of the day up and about", Maya "lol, where's my sister. Is she at work", Carina "yeah", Maya started playing with Kingston, Carina "babe your food is on the table", Maya "okay", while Maya sat with the girls and ate, I took Kingston a bath, and then fed him putting him down for another nap. I ate my food, the girls and Maya had already finished eating their dinner, Carina "start getting ready to take a bath please", Maya "I got them", Carina "you sure", Maya "yeah", Hailey gets in the shower on her own, as for Kamri and Everleigh, Maya takes them a shower. After their showers, we let the girls watch a bit of tv, when it did hit a certain time. I had just finished cleaning the dishes and the kitchen. "Girls it's time for bed", Hailey "just five more minutes mama", Carina "okay, once that episode is done you girls start heading to bed, I don't want you going to sleep that late", Hailey "okay mama". After I took a shower with Maya, the episode they were watching finished, the girls went to their rooms and we tucked them into bed. Leaving a night light on for all the girls, me and Maya sat in our bed, and just watched a movie. Everything was going well, halfway into the movie Maya's phone started going off. She picked it up right away, Maya "hello", Ana "hey Maya, it's Ana", Maya "hey Ana. Is everything okay", Ana "everything was okay, we don't exactly know how but our air conditioning isn't the best at the moment, and Masha keeps saying she feels very lightheaded, and she almost passed out", Maya "does she have any more lessons for the day", Ana "she was supposed to teach the group class but I told her I'll take over for her today", Maya "where is she right now", Ana "sitting next to Kelvin, he's trying to keep her hydrated", Maya "I'm coming to pick them up, just let them know I'm on my way", Ana "okay", Carina "is everything okay", Maya "yeah, I have to go pick up Masha from work, she's feeling very lightheaded and dizzy", Carina "okay", Hailey "mommy", Maya "why are you doing up at this time princess", Hailey "I can't sleep", Maya "do you wanna come with me to go pick up your aunt", Hailey "yeah", Carina "babe", Maya "it's okay. I've got her", Carina "okay just be careful", Maya "I will", I picked up Hailey and went to the car, putting her in the back seat and strapping her in. I got in the front seat, put my belt on and took off on the road. It was rush hour so there was a bit of traffic, but we made it through it. I parked in the parking garage, and carried Hailey. Entered the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. When we reached the second floor, Ana "she's over there", Maya "thanks", I went to where Masha and Kelvin were sitting, Masha "you didn't have to come, we would have took the train", Maya "no not on my watch. Besides it's worse on the train, go get your things so we can get home", Kelvin got their things while I sat with Masha. We walked out down the stairs and to the car.

Kelvin "Maya", Maya "yes", Kelvin "I think you should try driving faster, she might pass out", Maya "Masha don't you pass out on us, you need to stay awake", Masha "I can't Maya", Maya "yes you could, Kelvin give her some water", we finally reached the house and poor Masha was out of it. When we got inside I carried Masha to their room, and had the air conditioner on, Maya "she should be okay, just keep an eye on her", Kelvin "I will", Maya "maybe have her take a shower", Kelvin "okay". Kelvin passed Hailey to me, who was in his arms fast asleep, and I put her back in her room. Carina "is your sister okay", Maya "yeah, the heat had her lightheaded and dizzy", Carina "is the air conditioning gonna be fixed", Maya "yeah, there is somebody there working on that right now", Carina "okay, should we go to bed", Maya "yeah", me and Maya made sure all the doors were locked before going to our room to go to bed. Maya's POV*. It wasn't even morning yet, still night. It had just passed midnight, I woke up to a crying sound, unaware of where it was coming from I left the room in search of it. I checked the girls rooms and it wasn't coming from there, but when I saw the door creaked open I knew immediately where it was coming from. I found my sister on the couch, she was crying. I sat next to her, "what's wrong. Why are you crying, you are too beautiful to be crying", Masha "what if you didn't come, something bad could have happened", Maya "baby girl I will never let anything bad happen to you. I will always be here to protect you and look after you. As your older sister that's my job", Masha "I was so scared", Maya "it's okay to be scared, you had me really worried though. I can't lose you", Masha "you won't lose me", Kamri "mommy", Maya "what are you doing up princess", Kamri "I can't sleep", Maya "come here", Kamri laid in between me and Masha. Masha "aren't you gonna go to sleep", Maya "I'm not worried about me right now, you close your eyes", Masha "but", Maya "but nothing, go to sleep. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere", I put on a movie and halfway into it Masha and Kamri fell asleep. I paused the movie and went to use the bathroom, after using the bathroom I washed my hands and started to head back to the living room. When I got back to the living room, I witnessed something I hope I never have to witness again. Masha was having a panic attack, I have no idea why, but she was crying so hard she could barely even breathe. I rushed over to her, and wrapped my arms around her. "Shh just try and take a few breaths", Masha "I can't", Maya "you're fine. Just deep breaths", she kept coughing because she was grasping for air, that's how bad it was. I didn't think much of it, but I grabbed my phone and immediately called for an ambulance. Masha "I'm fine", Maya "no you're not", Carina was awoken by the sound of the sirens out front, Carina "what's going on", Maya "just stay here with the kids, I'm riding with her to the hospital", Carina "what the heck happened", Maya "panic attack, a bad one so bad she was grasping for air. If Kelvin wakes up tell him we're going to mount sinai medical center", Carina "okay", I kissed Carina, and climbed into the ambulance, sitting beside my sister. She held my hand, Masha "I'm sorry you had to witness", Maya "don't ever be sorry. I'm here to keep you safe, I'll always be right here with you", Masha was taken to be examined by a doctor while I sat in the waiting room. My phone started going off, Maya "hey babe", Carina "Bellina is she gonna be okay", Maya "I don't know yet, I'm waiting on the doctor to tell me what's going on but from what I know panic attacks are mostly caused by traumatic experience", Carina "has she ever experienced something bad before", Maya "not that I know of. If she ever deals with something bad she's most likely to keep it to herself and keep in buried", Carina "do you think Kelvin would know", Maya "I doubt it and if he does know he won't ever keep anything from me", "are you here for Masha", Maya "babe I gotta go the doctor is here to tell me what's going on, I'll update you in a bit", Carina "okay bellina, I love you", Maya "I love you more", I hung up the phone and the doctor took a seat next to me. "Has your sister ever mentioned anything bad that's happened to her while you were living in Washington", Maya "no, we've always had nice conversations nothing bad", "you are unaware if anything happened to her while at work", Maya "that's correct", "she confessed something to me, it could be the reasoning of the panic attacks", Maya "confessed what", "just follow me to her room and she'll tell you on her own", Maya "I hope your not forcing my baby sister to talk about anything she's not interested in talking about", "no she told me on her own, I didn't even bring anything up", Maya "I hope your not lying, I don't need no one taking advantage of her", "that's not like that", Maya "okay, I'm believing you, but I'll believe it more once I find out what your talking about", we finally reached her room. Masha was on her phone, Maya "hey cutie", Masha "hey", Maya "how are you feeling", Masha "a little bit better for the most part. I'm glad I have you as a sister", Maya "I'm glad to be your sister", Masha "what did the doctor tell you", Maya "nothing much, but he did say that you confessed something to him", Masha "he did", Maya "yeah, I need to know what that something is, I'm not gonna tell Kelvin but as your sister, I need to know what the hell is traumatizing you so bad to the point where to shut down and keep it to yourself", Masha "I don't want to talk about it", Maya "it doesn't have to be detailed at this point I just need to know, if mom doesn't know, if your boyfriend doesn't know, or your coworkers fine, but I'm your sister and have been there since day one. Please tell me what's going on", Masha "if I tell you will you promise not to tell anyone especially my boyfriend", Maya "if it's that bad then I promise not to tell anyone", Masha "okay. While me and Kelvin were staying at a hotel for a competition, Kelvin had went to the store before we performed, I was using the bathroom when another contestant followed me and started touching me", Maya "he assaulted you", Masha "yes, is this over now", she broke down in tears, I put my arms around her, my hand in back of her head, "shh I've got you baby girl", Masha "I wanna go back home", Maya "I'll ask the doctor to see if I could take you back home", Masha "okay", I kissed the top of her head and went to look for her doctor. "Hey, how is she", Maya "she's okay, she told me what happened to her. When could I take her home", "I don't see why she can't leave, I'll bring her discharge papers, once you fill those out you can leave", Maya "thank you", "your welcome", I went back to Masha's room, Masha "what did he say", Maya "he's gonna bring your discharge papers and after I sign them we can leave", Masha "okay", I just sat next to her, we started watching videos of the girls dancing, it was so good to see a smile on her face. "Here are her discharge papers", I took the papers from him, reading them and then signed them with my signature. I gave it back to him, he gave us his phone number before leaving to deal with another patient, Masha got dressed and we left in a cab back home. The minute we walked through the door Carina hugged me and Masha.

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