Chapter 33: Testifying

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Judge "can you describe what happened that day",  Elena "I was driving in my car back home with my both of my goddaughters in the back seats. My oldest goddaughter Avery notice the same car following us as we got on the highway to head back into Jersey. When we got to the intersection the same car that had been following us came from the wrong direction and hit my car", judge "as you recalled the driver was drunk and had previously got pulled over by cops, is that correct", Elena "yes your honor". Judge "what kind of injuries did you sustain from the accident", Elena "I suffered a broken neck and a concussion. I had passed out from the concussion, and it took me a while to recuperate", after Elena left the stand, Avery had to also testify. Judge "can you describe what happened after the crash", Avery "it happened so fast. Elena was bleeding and couldn't even move, her neck was so bad it looked like she snapped it back a couple of times. My little sister was crying, she had a few scratches and bruises but nothing severe. My seatbelt was jammed so I couldn't get out", judge "the driver of the car that crashed into
Elena's, do you see him in this court room today", Avery "yes". Judge took about a thirty minute break to go over the case and come to a final decision. Everyone made their way back into the court room, judge "all rise please. On the case of Atwood vs Russo, we find the defendant guilty. Not only did he plead guilty to drinking while driving, he also pleaded guilty for stalking, attempted murder, and attempted kidnapping. The defendant gave his testimony earlier today saying and I quote this, they were not supposed to live. My attempt to murder the godmother and kidnapped the girls failed, failed miserably. I wanted them to die, I wanted to torture them. I don't ever wanna know what's wrong with me, but I will never forgive myself for trying to do such a thing".
Masha cried after hearing what she had heard, Avery and Elena were completely traumatized after hearing what the defendant said.
After the testimony they immediately left straight back home, Elena was pretty tired from the court hearing she immediately fell asleep after hitting the bed, Maya "are you okay", Masha "who? Me", Maya "yeah", Masha "does it look like I'm okay, my best friend got into a car accident, a car accident that damaged her and my two daughters. They are traumatized Maya, Elena could barely even stand by a car without freaking out. Avery won't leave Elena's side, you tell me if I'm okay. Do you really think that's something to be asking right now with everything that's going on", Maya "I'm sorry", Masha "I didn't mean to raise my voice, it's just that. Something like this has never happened and I don't want something like this happening ever again", Maya "and it won't", Masha "what if it does happen again". Maya "I won't let anything harm you or your family", Masha "you can't promise that, something is always bound to happen", Maya "yeah, you're right. But we will get through this together, I can't even imagine how hard this is for you but just know that I am here for you and I am always gonna be here for you", Masha "I know you will, it's just scary. When I got the call, my heart felt like it had stopped, I can't lose them, I can't lose anyone in my family. The feeling stays there like a knot that can't get untied, I've known Elena for years, and I can't imagine my life without her, and my daughters, I will never be able to forgive myself if something terrible happens to them", Maya "come here", Maya put her arms around her younger sister, and Masha gave in, cried, and hugged her older sister tightly. Maya "I love you baby girl", Masha "I love you too", Avery "mommy", Masha "yes princess", Avery "Elena is asking for you", Masha "I'll be back", Maya "okay". Masha goes to check on Elena, Masha "how are you feeling", Elena "still can't move much, it pretty much sucks. All I wanna do is dance again", Masha "and you will, you just have to heal first", Elena "watch a movie with me", Masha "okay", Masha laid next to Elena, Avery joined them and together they watched a scary movie. After Elena and Avery fell asleep, Masha and Kelvin had to leave. Masha "can you keep an eye on them", Maya "yeah of course", Masha "thank you. We should be back in about an hour, we have an appointment", Maya "okay", Masha and Kelvin arrived at the hospital shortly after leaving home. Once they were called, the two of them followed the nurse inside the room, "could you lift your shirt up for me", Masha got another ultrasound, it was weekly. "Heartbeat sounds good. Do you want to know the gender of the baby", Masha "sure", "okay, bye the looks of it. Congratulations it's a girl". Kelvin was over the moon, he was officially meant to be a girl dad. After leaving the hospital, they headed to the party store to get confetti cannons, and pink balloons. Once they got back home, Kelvin went to the room to set the balloons up in a box, he was gonna have Avery open the box. Maya "how did the appointment go", Masha "good", Maya "any news", Masha "we're gonna reveal the gender later", Maya "can you please tell me", Masha "why are you so eager to know", Maya "because I know the gender of me and Carina's baby and I kind of wanna spill it", Masha "I'm having another girl", Maya "we're having a boy", Masha went to the yard to get some fresh air. Little did they know there was a new dog next door with the neighbor. Masha got a bit startled because the dog kept scratching at their gate, nearly making a hole in it. The dog jumped over the fence and attacked Masha, she instantly screamed in horror, Maya rushed out into the yard, Maya "what the hell happened", Masha "that's damn dog, that's what happened", Maya "shit. Baby girl you're bleeding and it's pretty deep", Maya took Masha inside, Carina "omg what happened", Maya "dog", Carina "what dog", Maya "the neighbor new dog", Masha was crying because it hurt, Maya "does she need stitches", Carina "yeah, but it's nothing I can't fix", Masha and Kelvin went to the bathroom with Carina, Masha sat in Kelvin's lap as Carina stitched up the wound. Carina "are you okay", Masha "yeah. It just stings a bit", Srna and the others had been setting up a surprise at the studio for both Maya and Masha.

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