Chapter 21: Is she in labor

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Maya's POV*
I was in my room with Carina, all the kids were fast asleep, me and Carina had been watching movies. It was about to hit midnight, we just finished watching hocus pocus, Carina fell asleep halfway into the movie. I started to watch another Halloween movie, I was a few minutes into it when I heard a loud scream and cry. I didn't think nothing much of it until I heard another loud scream, louder than the first time I heard it. I covered Carina with the quilt and then went to check it out. I checked on all the kids and it was not coming from their rooms, then I heard the scream again and I knew it was coming from my sister's room. I rushed into her room, Maya "what's going on", Kelvin "I think she might be in labor", Maya "that can't be right", Masha was in pain and was crying. Kelvin "her water just broke, she's in labor. We have to get to the hospital now", Maya "okay let's go, I'll text Carina", I carried my sister and we left to the car, getting inside and driving straight to the hospital. Kelvin drove the car while I held Masha in my lap, I tied her hair up and all she could do was squeeze my hand. Once we got to the hospital, it didn't take long for a nurse to escort us to a room. I signed her in while Kelvin stood in the room with her to help her change into a hospital gown. She was injected with a whole bunch of IV's, "your only three centimeters dilated, once you get to ten that's when I will start having you push. Does that sound okay", Masha was too nervous to speak for herself so I spoke for her. Every contraction that hit her was followed by either a loud scream or a loud cry, every contraction got worse and made the pain even worse for her. She was even shaking a bit, "Masha sweetheart, I'm gonna need you you to open your legs for me okay", Masha "I can't do this", Maya "hey shh. Look at me. Your gonna be fine, I'm right here baby girl and so is your fiancé. Your gonna be fine Masha", she finally gave in and let the nurse open her legs. "Okay I'm gonna need the both of you to help keep her legs wide open, are you her fiancé", Kelvin "yeah", "come on this side, and you stay on that side", "sweetheart just breathe, you don't have to push yet, when you feel the next contraction I want you to push", a few minutes went by. She was finally ten centimeters dilated, "next contraction I need you to push, even if it hurts. You need to push", once Masha started pushing she was screaming and was in so much pain. Masha "I can't do this", Maya "yes you can. What can make you be more brave", Masha "I need Ana here", Maya "okay I'll be right back I'm gonna call her", I left the delivery room and dialed Ana. Ana "hey", Maya "hey are you busy", Ana "I'm at the studio, just finished a private", Maya "you need to come to the hospital right now", Ana "is everything okay", Maya "Masha is in labor, she wants you here", Ana "I'm on my way", Maya "okay", just as I was about to go back I got a call from Carina. "Hey bellina. Why aren't you home", Maya "my sister is in labor. We are at the hospital", Carina "omg", Maya "what", Carina "am I allowed to bring Avery. She's having an anxiety attack", Maya "I'll tell Ana to pick her up, or just come you and the girls. You can stay in the waiting room until she has the baby", Carina "okay. We'll be there soon", Maya "okay", I waited for Ana to arrive before going back into the delivery room, it was a disaster. Masha was in so much pain, "I could really use the extra hands", we went straight over to help. After over ten hours in labor, Masha was in such relief and the baby was finally delivered. I couldn't help but cry, I was so happy and so proud of her. Ana had to post on Instagram with the caption, "can't believe my best friend is officially a mother of two beautiful girls. Her birth was such a rough ride but Posie Ray is finally here. Congrats Masha and Kelvin, love you two so much. Thanks for making me the godmother, Posie is such a precious baby girl". Kelvin "is Avery and the others here", Maya "yeah, I'm gonna go get her first before the others", Maya "okay".
Kelvin's POV*
I left the delivery room and went to get Avery from the waiting area. Hailey "look it's your dad", Kelvin "ready to meet your baby sister", Avery "yes", Avery was so excited, she held my hand as we passed the rooms and finally got to her mother's room. Avery was immediately in tears, the minute she saw her sister, Kelvin "why are you crying baby. Doesn't feel real", Avery "no", Kelvin "go sit next to your mother", Avery went straight by Masha and sat next to her. The minute she was next to Masha, she gave her sister a kiss, and laid her head on Masha. Masha "you could get the others", Maya "okay".

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