Chapter 43: Everyone sick?

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Avery was lying in bed, she had been throwing up all morning, it wasn't long until Carina started feeling the same symptoms as her niece.

Masha tried her best to comfort Avery, who just in so much pain

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Masha tried her best to comfort Avery, who just in so much pain. Kelvin "how she feeling", Kelvin rubbed this finger on his daughter's knee, Kelvin "you okay baby girl", Avery "my stomach really hurts", Maya "so she's not the only one that has it. Carina is lying on the bed, she's freezing, she has it too", Masha "babe see if Ana could take the two littles to the park or something. I don't want them to get sick", Kelvin "okay, I will go ask her". Avery "mommy I'm cold", Masha wrapped Avery in a blanket, and put the tv on for her. Masha "I'm gonna go make you some soup", Avery "I'm not hungry", Masha "honey. Soup is not heavy, you'll be able to hold it down", Avery "mommy I'm gonna throw up", Avery rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Maya "okay that's two of them so far. Who's gonna be next? And I made sure to have the food checked. I'm sorry. This is all my fault", Masha "Maya in no way is this your fault. How could you have known something like this was gonna happen", Maya "I just feel like I'm the one to blame", Masha "Maya this is not your fault. Because anyone of us could get sick, could get food poisoning. Unfortunately it was your wife and my daughter to catch it", Maya "I guess you're right". Hailey "mommy, mama keeps throwing up", Maya "tell her I'm coming", Hailey "okay", Masha hunched over the counter and puked into the garbage. Kelvin "you've got it too", Masha puked again. Masha "sorry", Kelvin "don't apologize. It's okay. I'll clean this up. Why don't you go lay down", Masha "okay", Maya "what happened here", Kelvin "Masha has it too", Maya "first your daughter, then my wife and now Masha. Who's next", Kelvin "we just have to figure out what was in that food", Maya "yeah", Kelvin "what do you think it was". Maya "I am not sure at the moment. Honestly it could be anything, but to narrow it down we have to think about something they all ate", Kelvin "yeah", Hailey "mommy", Maya "yes baby girl", Hailey "mama's asking for you. She says she'd reply cold", Maya left the kitchen to check on her wife. Who had been lying on the floor in their bedroom, Maya "baby why are you on the floor", Carina "I can't really move", Maya "Hailey come help me", Hailey " huh mom", Maya "come help me", Hailey helped Maya move Carina to the bed, Maya covered Carina with some blankets. Kelvin did the same thing for his wife and daughter.
A few days later, the bug is still going around, luckily the kids are on vacation from school, it's spring break so they have the week off.
Masha was watching a video of her sister and her husband dancing, she always admired her younger sister for being so talented.

Masha "what are you doing", Maya "just watching some videos of you and Kelvin. You two are really good at what you do, no wonder Avery catches on so fast", Masha "so do your girls, they are amazing dancers", Maya "I wonder why I was never into dance as much as you are", Masha "it's simple. Growing up, all you wanted to do was play sports, you loved track. You tried out for basketball, softball and even volleyball but you didn't love them as much as you loved track and running. Your amazing at what you do, one of your kids is gonna follow into your footsteps, or all of them. You never know, they could love dance but they could also love the same sport that you love", Maya "I know I've told you this about a thousand times but I'm so proud of you and everything you've built. Your family, your husband. You are so amazing baby girl, you should be proud of yourself. I love you so much and I'm so glad I get to be your older sister", Masha "I love you too". The two of them hugged, then joined the others in the living room. Avery "mommy", Masha "yes baby girl", Avery "Can Skylor come over", Masha "I'm sure Maya just wants a relaxing day", Maya "it's fine with me and Carina", Masha "are you sure", Carina "yeah it's okay with me", Masha "you can call her", Avery "okay". Maya "we should take a vacation somewhere", Carina "like where", Maya "I don't know but we should. We are always here", there was a knock at the door. Masha "that must be Skylor. Avery get the door", Masha followed Avery to the door just to be safe. It was indeed Skylor, Skylor "hi love", Avery "I missed you Sky", Skylor "I missed you too lovely", Masha "oh my gosh. Who is this cutie", Skylor "this is my daughter Jagger", Masha "come in", Masha closed the door behind them and they joined the others in the living room, Ana took the kids to the park so they could burn all their energy. Skylor "how's Elena", Masha "she's here if you wanna see her", Skylor "yes", Masha and Skylor went to the guest room. Elena "Skylor", Skylor "hey. How are you feeling", Elena "I'm still sore and all that. But other than that I'm good, Masha has been helping me", Skylor "I'd wish I knew you were here I'd come more often to see you", Elena "Hey. It's okay. I know it's not easy with your schedule and all that", Skylor "Yeah and my daughter just got back from a vacation she had been on with an aunt", Elena "maybe we could all grab lunch, maybe Friday", Skylor "that sounds like a plan. I'm gonna be taking a break soon", Masha "wait. From dance, why"? Skylor "because", Masha "are you expecting another little one", Skylor "yeah", Masha "congratulations", Skylor "thanks". Avery "mommy, daddy is calling you", Masha "I'm coming, you two good here", Skylor "yeah", Elena " yeah". Travis came over to watch over the kids while the others went out for a bit.
Skylor "so I could use some help", Masha "with what", Skylor "so no one really knows this but me and Elena are dating", Masha "I knew it", Skylor "what. How", Masha "the two of you are always together, plus the you had that hickey",
Skylor "lol. Anyways as I was saying, I wanna propose to her", Masha "that's great, I should try and be more quiet since she's right behind us", Skylor "I guess you're right", Masha "do you have any ideas", Skylor "nothing yet".

Flash forward a few days.
Maya was out on a call with the rest of her team, she couldn't quite focus because over the radio she heard that the hospital her wife works at is currently on lockdown. She was more than worried for the safety of her wife, she was also in a body harness, her and her team are currently trying to rescue a couple that fell in a cave. This was one of the worst calls she'd ever had.
The girlfriend was too busy worried about her phone, she was a blogger and all she cared about was getting footage for her channel. She was so focused on that, Maya had laid down to grab her hand so she could pull her up properly. The girl kept vlogging and her doing that almost caused Maya her life, her body harness almost broke, her team lieutenant grabbed her immediately. The others brought the couple up to safety. Maya's lieutenant Andrew was so upset. You nearly killed her, your so pathetic, you cared more about some footage rather than a first responders life. You need to grow the hell up, next time no one will save you with how you acted". "I'm sorry", Andrew "you risked my captain's life. She's a wife, a sister and a mother. You can't ever do that to someone that is trying to save your life", after the paramedics took them to the hospital, Maya and the rest of her team headed back to their station. Maya got home and took a relaxing shower, before going to the couch to think about what happened at work today. Masha "hey", Maya "hey", Masha "are you okay", Maya "I'm fine", Masha "you don't sound fine. What's going on". Maya "at work today we had a call having to save a couple that fell in a cave. The girlfriend was so focused on her blog and footage she didn't care that she nearly killed me because she almost broke my body harness. Not only that Carina is at the hospital and it's on lockdown. I haven't been able to reach her, she's getting me worried. I know she's probably just delivering babies but that fact that she hasn't answered my calls is weird", Masha "Maya she called me. She's fine. She's not delivering any babies currently. She's leaving, she's not staying", Maya "when did she", Masha "she told me not too long ago". Maya "okay", Masha "I love her too Maya, I was as worried as you are", Maya "I just hate not knowing anything", as soon as Carina got home, Maya along with the girls hugged her in relief. Maya "I was so worried about you", Carina "I know. I know. I'm okay though. I'm home, you don't have to be worried anymore", Maya "I know".
Kelvin got in with Avery, Masha "hey girly, how was your day", Kelvin "she's not in the best mood. Caught someone messing with her", Hailey "wanna play with us", Avery "no thank you", Hailey "come on don't be boring", Avery "I said no thank you", Hailey "it'll be fun", Avery "I said no. Just leave me alone", Hailey "your such a sore loser", she said before pushing her cousin on the floor. Avery put her hands down to the floor to break her fall. She started teasing her before pushing her again into floor, Avery got up and rushed to the room crying, Maya "what's wrong with her ? What did you do? Hailey "I called her boring because she didn't wanna play with us", Maya "that is not nice at all", Maya "please go to your room", Hailey "But mom", Maya "go". Kamri "mommy", Maya "yes love", Kamri "Avery locked herself in titi's bathroom", Maya "sis your daughter locked herself in your bathroom", Masha got up from the couch and went to check on her. Masha "Baby what's wrong", Avery "Hailey keeps teasing me because I'm being bullied", Masha tucked Avery in bed, and went to her sister. Masha "a word", Maya followed her. Maya "everything okay", Masha "You need to talk to Hailey, she's teasing Avery about her being bullied", Maya "me and Carina will talk to her", Masha "okay". Turns out both Avery and Evie are currently being bullied continuously.

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