Chapter 99: Rushing Hailey to the ER

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Carina "just take them, I'll deal with Hailey. I don't know what's wrong with her"? Maya "are you gonna take her to the emergency room or the hospital", Carina "I don't know I have to figure out what's wrong first", Maya "she said the pain she had since yesterday", Carina "okay", the two of them kissed, Maya left to take the other kids to school. Carina "baby girl come on we are going to the hospital, come on baby", Hailey "mommy I can't move", Carina "I'm coming baby", Carina lifted her daughter and carried her to the car. Hailey was curled up in a ball, she was in so much pain, Carina "honey when did it start bothering you", Hailey "I don't know mama", Carina "we're almost there baby", Carina pulled up to the emergency room and took her inside after parking the car. Carina sat Hailey down, and then went to check her in, Carina "hi my daughter is experiencing very bad excruciating pain. Pain in her lower abdomen, nausea, and lower back. This has been for the past three days, and we have no idea why she's feeling like this", "okay do you have her card with you", Carina "yeah", she said giving her the card. Maya called her, Maya "any update", Carina "no we just got here. She's in a lot of pain, I mean a lot of pain. She's in pain, Maya I have no idea what is going on", Maya "is she able to walk", Carina "not really. I had to carry her to the car and out of the car. She can't move bellina", Maya "is she gonna be seen", Carina "yeah we are waiting for her to be called", Carina say beside her and Hailey couldn't move, she was in serious pain. "DeLuca-Bishop, Hailey Marie", Carina "I gotta go. I will call you soon", Maya "okay", Carina carried Hailey to the hospital examination room. Once in the room Carina laid Hailey on the examination table, she was in no shape to move, "okay I am gonna get a pulse oximeter on your finger sweetheart", Hailey "mamma coperta per favore", Carina "here my love", she said putting the blanket over her, Carina "sei comodo amore mio", Hailey "sì", "okay you must be mom", Carina "yeah", "so what seems to be the problem", "my daughter has been experiencing very excruciating pain", "where is the pain", Carina "lower abdomen, nausea, and lower back", "how long has she been experiencing pain", Carina "for three days. Constant pain", "I might have a diagnosis, but I just wanna press my hand against her lower abdomen", he pressed his hands against Hailey's abdomen, and she instantly screamed in agony, "I'm sorry sweetie". Within 2 hours they were still in the emergency room, Hailey's pain only increased and became more severe. Carina "what is wrong with her", "I am gonna give her some medicine in the meantime while I continue to examine her", Carina "okay", he continued to examine her. About 3 hours later, the pain continued to worsen, that's when Maya called Carina. Carina "baby", Maya "hi baby. What's up. You have been in the hospital for hours already", Carina "they are still examining her", Maya "why is taking it so long. Luke why is this happening to our baby", Carina "I don't know why it's taking so long. Maya she's in so much pain I can't even explain it", Maya "but what is going on", Carina "babe I don't know yet. How on the doctor is here and has her results", Maya "alright just put me on hold", Carina "okay", Carina put Maya on hold, poor Hailey was lying on the examination table asleep, Carina "did you find out what's wrong with my daughter", "actually yes. I do know what's wrong with her", Carina "what's wrong with her", "she has endometriosis", Carina "she's 14. How could she possibly have that", "I am not sure but that is what she has", Carina "what's supposed to happen. This journey", "well you take it day by day. Her pain will be healed on some days and on other days she'll experience excruciating pain. But I am gonna prescribe her with a few prescriptions for the pain, if it comes to me there is a surgery. But I am not sure, for now we are gonna try the medication and see if it works. And you could come back so I could how she's doing", Carina "okay", "I recommend citrus fruits, eggs, no caffeine. Water, nothing too heavy for her. Baths could help sooth her, your body could sooth her", Carina "okay. Thank you for everything", "no problem. I'm really sorry it took so long for me to diagnose her", Carina "I understand, I'm a doctor myself so I understand. I just thank you for taking the time to correctly diagnose her", "her prescriptions will be at the front desk, you'll have to sign. They will also give you an excuse letter for Hailey, and just a letter stating your visit", Carina "okay thank you. Bubba we've gotta get going", Hailey "mmm", Carina lifted her up carrying her, they approached the front desk. Carina signed for the prescriptions, and the two letters, they headed out. Carina put Hailey in the passenger seat and put on her seat belt, then Carina got in the car. Carina "I'm sorry baby", Maya "that's okay my love. Any update", Carina "we are coming home right now. It's the middle of the night and we're finally coming back home", Maya "we'll that's good. So what did Hailey get diagnosed with"? Carina "she has endometriosis", Maya "she's 14, how in the world does she have that", Carina "the doctor says you could be at least the age of eight to be diagnosed with that", Maya "that's ridiculous. That is seriously ridiculous, our poor baby has to deal with this", Carina "she's still in a lot of pain right now. She really is but not as much because she has medication now and at the hospital she was given medication to ease the pain", Maya "is she awake", Carina "no she's sleeping. She's been sleeping since she took the medicine, I'd rather her be sleeping than to sit here and deal with the pain", Maya "I just can't believe you had to stay at the hospital overnight", Carina "we'll that's because the doctor wanted to make sure that the diagnosis was correct", Maya "I'm so glad that you are finally coming home", Carina "me too. I am so glad, I will be there in about five minutes", Maya "I'll be outside waiting for you both", Carina "okay baby", Carina hung up the phone and pulled into the driveway. Maya "hi baby", Carina "hi my love", Maya went to the passenger seat and grabbed Hailey, Maya "exhausted", Carina "very. Just let her sleep with us tonight, I don't want her be alone waking up and being in pain", Maya "yeah, agree", Carina and Maya went inside the house. Maya carried Hailey to their room, Carina following behind her wife, Carina closed the door behind her. Kamri "mama", Carina "what are you doing up? It's late my love", Maya "I will deal with Hailey, could you please put her to sleep", Carina "yeah. Let's go to bed", Kamri climbed in her bed, Carina "what are you doing up this late"? Kamri "I couldn't sleep", Carina "but you do know there is school tomorrow", Kamri "no there isn't. Ask mommy", Carina "close those eyes baby girl", Kamri closed her eyes and fell asleep. Carina went to the room, Carina "is she sleeping still", Maya "yeah. She's out. How are you feeling", Carina "I don't know how to feel. It's rare Hailey's age for someone to have been diagnosed with that. I don't even understand how she has that, it doesn't run in my family or you're family", Maya "yeah. I know", Carina "I feel so bad, this could be long term for her and she's gonna have to deal with this for the rest of her life", Maya "baby one step at time, she's gonna be okay", Carina "yeah", the two of them fell asleep after climbing in bed beside Hailey. Masha had came to pick up the kids and take them to school as Maya and Carina had to stay home with Hailey, Maya "thank you again", Masha "no problem. Is Hailey gonna be okay", Maya "we will take it day by day and see. But the pain that endometriosis causes is very severe and excruciating. That's what Hailey has been experiencing", Masha "we'll stop by after dropping them off to see how she's doing", Maya "okay. I think she'd like that", Masha "okay let me take these kids to school before they are late", Maya "okay", Masha left taking the kids to school.

@ CarinaDeLucaBishop So our Hailey bear was diagnosed with endometriosis, which by the way don't even know how it's possible for a girl her age to even be diagnosed with it

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@ CarinaDeLucaBishop
So our Hailey bear was diagnosed with endometriosis, which by the way don't even know how it's possible for a girl her age to even be diagnosed with it. We were in the hospital for hours, I had taken her to the hospital and they send us to the emergency room, to which we were there for a few hours. When someone called her name we followed the doctor and then stood in an examination room for the time being. A doctor came and started to examine her, a few hours passed her pain was just increasing, and became more severe. Just before we left, the doctor said I know what's wrong with her, to which I asked what was wrong and that's when she was diagnosed with endometriosis. For those of you who don't know what it is, endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus in places where it doesn't belong. The pain that I witnessed my daughter suffer was not something I want to ever experience again but because now she has endometriosis is gonna be apart of us now, I will never leave Hailey's side, I hope that whoever marries my daughter one day that they know how to treat her and how to handle her when she's having an episode. Hailey Marie, I am so sorry that you were diagnosed with it but don't ever let it stop you nor change you. I love you bambina!! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Just a few days later.
Maya had picked up Hailey from dance because the endometriosis was just causing way too much pain and she couldn't dance through it, Maya "how bad on a scale of one through ten does it bother you", Hailey "seven", Maya "okay, mama's got your medicine set up for you at home already, and she set up a bath for you", Hailey "okay", she said. Maya got home, Carina was already waiting for them, Carina "come here angel", Hailey allowed Carina to pick her up, to which she carried her inside the house and to the bathroom. Carina "do you need any help bambina", Hailey "can you stay with me mama", Carina "of course baby", Hailey got in the bath, Carina gave her the medicine which she took and then drunk some juice to help it go down. Carina "are you able to eat anything", Hailey "I don't think I can mama", Carina "do you think you could try and eat some soup, it may help. You don't have to eat all of it, just a few bites that will help you get something in your stomach. I know you wanna take a nap but you can't do that on an empty stomach", Hailey "okay mama", after Carina helped Hailey out of the shower, Hailey had something to eat and then went to take a nap. Maya "is she alright", Carina "I don't know, she just went straight to sleep", Maya "how do we explain this to the others", Carina "we will have a sit down with them and just explain it all. That's all we can really do as for when that is completely up to Hailey", Maya "Travis wanted to know if he could have the kids for break", Carina "not Hailey, she needs to stay with us", Maya "okay. But is it okay if he takes the other kids for break, all of them of course except for Hailey", Carina "yeah, just tell him it's all good to take them just not Hailey", Maya "okay", later that day Travis came to pick up all of the kids, Maya "call us every night, and when you land safely in Seattle", Travis "I will", the kids said bye to Maya and Carina, leaving with their dad for break. Travis "by the way how come Hailey can't come", Carina "because she wants to stay", she said in a deep Italian accent, Travis "is something wrong with her", Carina "yes but I am not explaining it until she feels comfortable with me sharing it", Travis "okay, no problem. Just tell her I love her, I will call and text you when we arrived in Seattle", Carina "okay", Travis and Carina hugged, Maya and Carina stood the night in Hailey's bedroom that night, they didn't wanna leave her and didn't even wanna be a few rooms away from her. Late night is when Carina got the message from Travis saying he arrived in Seattle with the kids, she liked the message and then fell back asleep.

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