Chapter 23: The Truth

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Masha's POV*
It's been a rough few days, after what Avery told me we haven't been at home. We've been staying with Srna. I was in the bathroom with my daughter, we had just arrived to the at the studio and she wasn't in the mood to practice. Instead of staying in the bathroom, worried that others would hear our conversation I took her to the break room. Masha "if it wasn't Hailey that's fine, you didn't even say a hundred percent if it was her. Did someone in the studio touch you inappropriately and you've been dreaming about it", Avery "I don't wanna get anyone in trouble mommy", Masha "the only one that is gonna be in trouble is the person that hurt you. If it was someone in the studio that hurt you, you need to tell me", she stood in front of me, playing with my hair, and was too afraid to speak. Masha "do you remember who touched you and what you were doing before you were touched", Avery "I was trying to fix my skirt", Masha "was it a male student or a female student that touched you", Avery "he's your student", I suddenly felt goosebumps on my whole body, and my heart dropped to my stomach. I wanted Avery to point out the student, we were outside of the break room, she was holding onto me for tightly, Masha "it was Christopher", Avery "yeah", Masha "are you sure", Avery "yes mommy, I remember everything. Make it stop mommy, make it stop", I called Kelvin over, Kelvin "what's wrong", Masha "it was Christopher, he touched her", Kelvin couldn't contain himself, he went over to Chris and nearly punched him, Kelvin "you touched my daughter inappropriately", Christopher "I don't know what your talking about, she's lying", Kelvin "she doesn't lie, your a damn predator. How could you even do such a thing", Christopher "she'll be alright", Kelvin nearly knocked him to the ground and started attacking him, I rushed to him pulling him off, "let the police do their job", we were in so much pain we didn't even stay at the studio, after the cops arrived we went straight home. Avery was still completely scared and freaked out, Maya "everything okay", Masha "no not really. Avery told us who touched her", Maya "it's not one from here right", Masha "no, it was my student Christopher, he claimed he didn't do it but there's evidence", Maya "I'm sorry", Masha "it's okay, we exactly control the bad things that happen to our children, the only thing we can do is somehow move on from it", Maya "yeah". Masha "I'm sorry she blamed Hailey, she was so frightened she didn't know who did it", Maya "it's okay, it's understandable. Where is she", Masha "with Kelvin, he's still trying to calm her down. She had a panic attack before we left the studio. She was crying hysterically and she couldn't breathe", Maya "did you and Kelvin confront him", Masha "Kelvin sort of attacked him and punched him in the face, but that's not enough for the pain he's putting us through. Once the cops arrived we left, we have to go in tomorrow to give in our statements, I am just worried that a trial and her having to testify will damage her even more", Maya "she shouldn't be forced to testify, no one can force anyone of you to testify. There should be enough evidence to put him behind bars", Masha "I hope so. I really hope so, I don't want her to suffer more than what she's already going through". Kelvin "babe", Masha "I should go to the room, I'll see you in the morning", Maya "okay". I rushed to the room, Avery was still crying, she was traumatized, scared, freaked out, all in one. Masha "shh mommy's here", Avery "mama", Masha "shh mommy's here. I'm right here", she had to hold my hand, she was too afraid. I quickly changed into my pajamas and joined her and Kelvin in bed. Not even her laying on my chest helped stopped the crying, maybe after two hours we finally got her to sleep.
In the morning.
Maya "Carina could help with that if you want, she works as gynecologist", Masha "it wouldn't be awkward for her aunt to check her", Maya "I find it the more comfortable option rather than someone random touching her and she might kick them", Masha "yeah, you're right about that", after breakfast we went straight to the hospital. Carina "did Maya tell you to come", Masha "yeah, she said the least I could do I get her I'll checked out", Carina "she's still a minor so I'm not going to have her change. Just have her lie down and check her", Avery knew what was happening, so she wouldn't let go of me. She was holding my hand very tightly, Carina started checking her and she did not like one bit of it. Carina "she does have a few bruises, nothing to worry about they will go away. Just wait here, I'm going to prescribe her this cream that will help, I'll bring the first and the next will be sent to the house", Masha "thanks Carina", Carina "no problem".
Maya's POV*
I had just left and picked up the girls from school and dropped them off at dance with Srna. Maya "how is she", Masha "she did not like one bit of the touching", Maya "sorry", Masha "you don't have to be sorry, I just wanted to make sure she was okay", Maya "the girls are at dance, are you going to bring Avery", Masha "no not today. I might take her to SoHo, and she could work with her aunt Leanne", Avery "I get to see Leanne", Masha "lol. We're you listening to my whole conversation", Avery "maybe", Masha "go get changed, and your new skirt came in, it's on the bed", Avery "okay". Maya "what are you going to do for her birthday"? Masha "having a party at the studio, Srna is in charge of the decorations. Avery come on, Leanne is waiting on us", Avery "I'm coming mommy", Masha "ooh that skirt looks so good on you", Avery "thanks momma", Masha "Maya we'll be back", Maya "okay", Masha takes her daughter to dance. I started to tidy and clean the house since it was a bit messy. Maya "omg you scared the shit out of me. When did you come inside"? Carina "I've been standing here for five minutes", Maya "you can't be doing that", Carina "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, you were so busy cleaning you didn't even seem to notice me come in", Maya "yeah, this house is a bit messy so I had to clean it", Carina "I can help", Maya "you just came home from work, I got it under control", Carina "okay then. I'm going to go take a nice hot shower, care to join me"? Maya "be right there", Carina "okay".

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